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Hello , new progress uploaded , i think not everyone will like it though , so tone it down little bit , also this topic is from some subscriber too , I picked two of them. So far this story already done about 50% , any ideas not affect the plot I will considering to take it ( by the way , before ,this offer only for top 5 subscriber ) , very welcome to leave comments for me , thanks~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! 上傳目前進度~ 但我想這次的圖不是每個人都喜歡,所以會收斂些,這次的主題也是由一些贊助者建議的,我採取了2項建議,距離故事完結已達一半,如果現在還有希望看到的內容,只要不會影響故事劇情,我都會考慮採用(之前是只開放給5名最高訂閱者),歡迎大家留言或直接跟我說~ (畫完才發現透視怪怪的不過算了XD




Very glad to see this series again! Will you going to draw Annie's excretion scence?


As a newcomer to prison, Annie was ashamed of excreting in front of people, so only her little cellmate


Thank you for the comment! Very happy to see this series.