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My partner's oc Brownge and my oc Goa, drew in few years ago. Figuring time to polish it. 僕と僕のパートナーのoc、未完成で機会があれば描き込むつもりです。




I am sorry that I can only know english. I had to let you know how very happy I am to see you are feeling well enough to post your work. Your paintings are a huge inspiration to me, no matter what the subject matter is. I hope you'll continue to share your process, as I find it extremely educational. Please do not over exert yourself; your health is very important. That said, I am looking forward to seeing more of your work. Best of luck, and thank your for carrying on.


There they are at last, them boys 😩😩🥺💞


Kojbox, Thank you for those warm words! Being called "educational" is the best compliment that I've ever received, so happy to know there's someone who is not only looking at my art from sexual perspective. Yes I would keep sharing process. It's such a reward to know that my work can inspire someone. And The same wishes to you, take care and have a good day!


I'm pleased to hear that. Yes, I've learned a lot from looking at your work. I especially love your use of edges, appealing shapes, and your hue /temperature variety (like how the bounce light is usually a little desaturated). Anyway, I've taken enough of your time. I appreciate your reply, and hope your day is going well.


wow damn this is the first time to hear technical terms from someone in this tiny community, that's excatlly where I've been working hard on. I'm soooo excited and such an hornor that you said my arts have inspired you. No worries, you didn't bother me at all, you made my day! Hope you do well too! :)