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"Haah... Haah... ♥" In a room with the curtains tightly drawn, only the sound of clothes rustling and sweet breaths echoed. A sliver of light coming through a gap in the thick curtains dimly illuminated the room. Lying on the bed was Akane. Her cheeks were completely flushed, and her eyes glistened faintly with tears. She exhibited a feverish warmth and hollowness, but above all, she intensely exuded a feminine allure that transformed males into beasts. As if enduring something, Akane twisted her body, each movement pushing out sweet breaths through her throat. "No, no..." Despite her resolute determination, the heat welling up from deep within easily melted Akane's resolve. Akane's fingers lifted her loungewear, touching her exposed breast. Her movements were tentative and awkward. But— "Mmm... ♥" The moment her nail touched her painfully stiff nipple, a moan escaped Akane's throat. It wasn't an orgasm. The pleasure was like a static shock, a sharp burst, yet it didn't bring Akane to completion. Instead, it only increased her frustration, making her feel out of control. Like a drowning person scrambling for air, Akane's hand reached desperately for the smartphone by her pillow. Her panicked movements and trembling fingertips failed the face recognition and passcode entry once before successfully unlocking the phone. She was oblivious to the concerned messages from her co-stars on "Real Today." Her fingertip touched the photo app, almost subconsciously opening a folder within it. Displayed on the high-resolution screen of the latest smartphone was—a penis. That day—comforted by him, drunk on alcohol, and embraced by him. When the alcohol wore off and she became sober, Akane quickly realized that he had intended this from the start. If she didn't think so, the situation seemed too contrived. However, realizing it didn't mean she could do anything about it. Even though she was led into that situation, it was Akane herself who ultimately desired to be embraced, and even knowing his intentions were just physical, his words were still too sweet for the current Akane. And more importantly— Softly squishing. Her well-formed, nicely matured breasts were distorted by slender fingertips. A numbingly sweet sensation of sensuality spread from Akane’s chest throughout her body. Previously, she had never felt such overwhelming desire. Of course, she had vented it at a certain frequency, but that was all. In just one night, the pleasure of sex had been permanently branded into Akane's body, unable to be erased. Ever since then, every day—literally without missing a single day—Akane had been comforting herself. He was only interested in her body, not out of goodwill. Even though she told herself this and swore not to think about that night, her body couldn't forget the taste of that pleasure. As a result, she masturbated multiple times a day—the number of orgasms easily reaching double digits. At first, she was just recalling the acts from her memories. However, gradually, that alone wasn't enough, and she began collecting images of male genitals on the internet. Long ones, thick ones, those with large coronal ridges. Imagining these things rubbing inside her and ejaculating, Akane climaxed over and over again. Today, too, her firm resolve to abstain melted away all too easily. —"Akane's breasts are really soft." His words echoed in her mind. Over and over again, she revisited and fantasized those words as if they were whispered right into her ear. Melting. Just his voice alone made her body's heat intensify. —"This way, it feels good for Akane, right?" His voice, with a penetrating tone, resonated. Controlling Akane's hand was no longer Akane herself. The pleasure that had been etched into her that night, the him in her memories, was manipulating Akane. Softly squishing. Akane's fingers dug into her breasts, — "What do you say when you're coming?" "I'm, coming... I'm, climaxing... ♥" Just as he had taught her that night, she dutifully announces the moment before reaching her climax. Her vision whites out, and she can feel the honey bursting inside her underwear. — "Next time, I'll take good care of this too." The him that nested within Akane ignored her lingering afterglow from just climaxing and directed her left hand towards her groin. — "Look, just take off your panties. You've even made such a lewd stain." She couldn't resist. She couldn't defy his words echoing in her mind. She stripped off her underwear, damp with sticky honey focused around the crotch, as his controlling hand traced the source of the honey. Squishing. It wasn't a thin liquid but a viscous fluid that clearly felt heavy. "Hyah, ah, mmm... ♥" The just-climaxed sensitive slit was given a shallow climax by just a light stroke. — "You're already this wet without even touching you; Akane, you really are a naughty girl." Akane shook her head, but, — "I really love such a naughty Akane." Just that voice in her mind made Akane climax again. She no longer cared about being deceived or being used for her body; she longed for him. She slid her smartphone screen, searching among the collected images of male genitals on the internet for a video that resembled his the most. Though it was just a picture displayed on the smartphone screen, she could almost sense its smell, hardness, and even the warmth. — "I'm going to insert it, okay?" "Yes… please… ♥ Insert it, please… ♥" The moment Akane uttered those pleading words, the bundled fingers slipped inside her. Squishing. The sound of honey being displaced echoed. In Akane's own slender fingertips, inside her, they had transformed into his massive member. Even on the smartphone screen, the large penis penetrated an unknown woman. "Ah, nuh♥ I'm coming, again, I――♥" Her fingers, though slender and short compared to his, nonetheless pushed into her and exploited a vulnerability he had exposed, driving her towards climax. — "I'm moving now." Squish, squish, squish. He began to piston. On the screen, a powerful thrusting was accompanied by the sound of hips striking and a woman's moans resonating from the latest smartphone's speakers. "Ah♥ Nnh♥ Hah, aah...♥" The moans she initially tried to suppress soon became uncontrollable, drawn out by the woman in the video. — "Come on, let your voice out. Let me hear Akane-chan's naughty voice." Being whispered to by him, she was done for. "Ahn♥ Hah♥ Ah♥ Fah, ah――♥" — "Does it feel good?" "Yes♥ Nnh♥ It feels, ahn♥ good, yes♥" The woman on the screen, even being the same sex as Akane, exhibited an expression that exuded sexual allure. No, that's not right. The face reflected on the screen was Akane's own face, completely melted— a lascivious female. — "I'm about to ejaculate." A thrill of anticipation shot up her spine. Again and again, Over and over, The moment she had fantasized about repeatedly was approaching. "Yes♥ Come, please come♥" His piston motion accelerated. While repeating shallow climaxes, Akane's fingers did not stop. It felt as though his member truly reached the depths of her vagina that should have been unreachable. "Ah♥ Coming♥ Again♥ I'm climaxing―――――♥" A hot release expelled, spreading an impossible, virtual sensation within her, and Akane reached her climax. Splash. Her squirt jetted out, dampening the bed sheets. With the most intense climax of the day, her swelling desires began to subside, while inside, her yearning for the real thing grew even stronger. Akane was acutely aware of this.



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