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なんとか脱稿しました、本当に毎回ギリギリですね… 12月は他に何か更新したいと思いますが、コミケの準備もあるので そのまま1月になる可能性が大きいと思います、みなさん申し訳ないです。 今回はテキストなしバージョンで更新します…! SAOのBBCシリーズは1月から再開予定です、 来年も最初のBBCシリーズも続けたいと思いますがもうちょっとじっくりアイデアを考えます ーーーーーーーーーーーー I finally finished the Doujinshi, it's really last minute every time... I would like to update something else in December, but I have to prepare for Comiket. I'd like to update something else in December, but since I have to prepare for Comiket, there is a big possibility that it will be in January as it is. I'll update this time with a version without text...! The BBC series on SAO will resume in January. I would like to continue the first BBC series next year, but I will think about the idea more carefully.
