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もうちょっと早めに更新したいところですが、また最後の日にアップなんて申し訳ないです。 今回のBBCxアリスは先日コメントからアイデアを頂きました、ありがとうございます! ストーリーはなじみのあづさん(@ADU_64)にお願いました! ARIA肥満化絵は13年前描いたものでほぼ公開してないので今回の機に乗せます、たまに肥満化絵も描きたいでございます…w SAOの7と8の英語版は残念ながらまだ翻訳者から頂けませんのでもう少しお待ちください…! ーーーーーーーーーーーー I'd like to update this a little earlier, but I apologize for uploading it on the last day again. I got the idea for this BBC x Alice from a comment the other day, thank you! The story was written by a familiar face, Azu-san (@ADU_64)! I drew the obese picture of ARIA 13 years ago, but I haven't published it yet, so I'd like to take this opportunity to put it on the web. Unfortunately, I haven't received the English version of SAO 7 and 8 from the translator yet, so please wait a little longer...! ーーーーーーーーーーーー Here is a simple translation using DeepL Perhaps the grammar is wrong., please do not care 1 Hey, cutie girl. "......? Are you talking to me?" "Yes, Cute girl. What do you want? "You want to have a good time with me?" (A man who is as vulgar and frivolous as he looks. ...... real world has too many people like this) 2 Hey, cutie girl. What are you doing here today?" "It's ...... that ...... to punish you. I can't forget the taste of this guy. You can't get the taste of this guy out of your mouth, can you? Oh, ......♥" (After all, the sensation of being fucked by such a strong ...... woman came back to me, and my womb was tingling ......, but I didn't want to...) ...) I'm sure you'll be very pleased with the taste of my magnum, you can't get enough of Jap pork bites, can you? 3 But no. What the ...... is that? "If you want to get my dick in you again, go to that store and get a tattoo. Tattoo, you say, ......? It's not a sticker, of course. It's an indelible mark. It's my womanhood. If I can do that, I'll use it until I lose my mind. I am ...... I ...... 4 "Put it in and ...... here it comes ...... see ......" "Can you get the master to tell you what that symbol means?" "Yes,...... I'm a prisoner of the black man's big dick, and I can't ...... stand it any longer. I can't forget the pleasure of ...... so ...... please ...... please ...... fuck me again! Please, fuck me again......♥" 5. "It smells so good, it's like ...... drugs make you cum like a ton of other people. ...... "It smells amazing like when you're on drugs and you're going to be a ton of fun. Here's a video letter to that porkbitz bastard. "Are you going to show that ...... to Kirito? Now, you're going to show me to ......? You don't mind if I don't, but you want this guy, don't you? Alice. Then go ahead and do it. "(gulping). ...... Are you watching, Kirito?  I apologize for the delay in contacting you.  I'm not sure how much I can do to help you, but I'm sure you'll be able to help me.  As a mercy at least, you can wank my lasciviousness as much as you like.  At the very least, you can keep on rubbing your crude Jap cock like a monkey.  Then, as the master seems to wish - good-bye, Kirito."



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