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”Tiny Evil 5” Part 3!!

I'll be pre-serializing it for patrons over the next few months, starting with the parts that have been translated & lettered!

The DL and physical book versions will be available in August. But patrons will get all of the contents of the DL version below just for being on the plan for a few months! Please look forward to them!

・Digital Comic ver.(JPG/PDF)

・original size single-frame ver. without text(JPG)

・Paperbook layout ver. with text(JPG/PDF)

・Paperbook layout ver. without text(JPG/PDF)

🔽 Part1

【新作/English】恋した少女におち○ちん弄られて心をレイプされる本【Tiny Evil 5 ①】

-------------------- 🔽 Other languages Japanese:https://muk-monsieur.fanbox.cc/posts/3835623 Traditional Chinese:https://muk-monsieur.fanbox.cc/posts/3841248 -------------------- Here you go! New work, "Tiny Evil 5" now available. I'll be pre-serializing it for patrons over the next few months,...

🔽 Part2

【新作/English】淫魔少女3人におちんちん遊ばれる本【Tiny Evil 5 ②】

-------------------- 🔽 Other languages Japanese:https://muk-monsieur.fanbox.cc/posts/3972104 Traditional Chinese::https://muk-monsieur.fanbox.cc/posts/3972116 -------------------- ”Tiny Evil 5” Part 2!! I'll be pre-serializing it for patrons over the next few months, starting with the parts th...

【zip】English ver.


■ contents

・Digital Comic ver.(JPG/PDF)

・original size single-frame ver. without text(JPG)

・Paperbook layout ver. with text(JPG/PDF)

・Paperbook layout ver. without text(JPG/PDF)

★Translation by Twintailer


【LIMITED】Pre-release #Part3

★Translation by Twintailer



【Part 3 Postscript】

I think that fear is the maximum value of interest.

”Like” and ”interesting” are both interests, but if you ignore the direction and look only at the size, the interest of ”fear” greatly outweighs the positive one. Things that are something scary. If you find even a single point of attraction in it, the size of your ”interest” will make you like it at once. It's like the opposite of ”The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.”

I have had this experience several times in my life.

The first two are dolls and ruins.

I like them now so much that I use them as subjects in my creative works, but when I was a child, both of them were frightening to me.

Scary. But I wanna see it. I am afraid. But I am curious.

Then, as I looked at the pictures often, as if peering through a sliding door into the darkness, there was a moment when I clearly realized, ”Oh, I might like this a lot.” I realized I liked both dolls and ruins probably around the age of 20. I now have bookshelves and PCs full of photo albums of ruins, and I live with a Japanese-style Ball-jointed doll.

However, it doesn't mean that I am no longer afraid at all, so the amount of interest is still as great as ever. Of course there are many simple ”likes” that are not preceded by fear, but the ”likes” found in fear have established a special position in my mind.

Yes, I already know.

That by daring to reach out myself, what I fear could turn into an overwhelming ”like!”

So, what is the object of fear I'm going to deal with this time? The answer is fear of ”holes,” especially ”organic holes!” Yeah! (∵)

I dislike the following :

Insectivorous plants such as Nepenthes,

Oral cavity of echinoderms such as sea cucumbers and starfish,

Flowers with depth such as lilies and daffodils.

What is that thing? Why did it do that? Don't look at me. Keep your eyes. It has a mouth, so it must have eyes. What kind of thought goes into having a tube or a hole or something like that?

These are intuitive fears, but if I had to put them into words, I would say that they are a fundamental fear of ”not knowing” what is going on inside and what will happen if you get drunk.

In this work, I have combined my fear of ”holes” with the strongest reward of a ”very erotic girls”.

It's like stuffed peppers. The design of the masturbator that appears in this work is filled with the image of the ”organic hole” that I hate the most. It is like Nepenthes, like a sea cucumber, like a starfish, like a flower.

But this is handled by angelic girls who are natural bullies. They whisper sweetly, laugh happily, and swallow the sensitive penis whole with their disgusting ”holes”....

Gee, I'm scared, I'm sick, I don't like it...!

What would happen to me if I put it in the hole.... It might feel good. It might be bad. OMG! My head is going to be messed up with anticipation and disgust!

However, fear is the maximum value of interest.

If you notice one point of attraction, you will fall in love with it all at once. Turn. Turn now.

What I found out as a result

The wiggly hole is still gross as ever, but any disgusting thing is great when played with by erotic girls!

But seriously, ”unpleasant” is compatible with ”pleasant”...unpleasant things look pleasant, and things that look pleasant also look unpleasant. I think they are synergistic.

The sensation of ”eroticism” seems to be accompanied by a sense of ”immorality” and ”contradiction. The ”organic hole” that I fear, the more I dislike it, the more it becomes the most powerful spermicidal organ that I can't take my eyes off.


There's no other place to talk about it, so let me introduce one small story.

The scene where Yu-chan's tail masturbator sucks on the man's face.

This was inspired by a scene in the movie ”The Thing (2011),” in which a human arm that has been taken over by aliens and turned into a tentacle is sucking on a person's face, causing it to jerk and twitch.

↑The one shown in the above image sucks on a human face and becomes one with it.

That scene was so sickening that it's burned into my brain. So that is why I asked the angels to do the same thing to me.

Since it was ”bullying,” the girls had to do something unpleasant


🐈‍ Here's what happened to the cute, goofy Miyu

  ↓ TinyEvil ↓


Girls:みゆ Miyu ----------- みゆ出演作一覧 Miyu’s works list https://muk-monsieur.booth.pm/item_lists/mgKTxEZm ----------- 公開期間:8月31日まで open period:~ Aug.31 ----------- 【zip】日本語 ver. 【zip】English ver. ★Translation:DLsite 【zip】簡体字 ver. ★翻譯:DLsite 【日本語ver.】 本作に登...




The flower tail is your best creation ❤


❤️❤️❤️ Scary things can be very fun. Praise God Muk 🙏


Amazing stuff!