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As the title says, I've been frozen on Twitter!

I won't be reopening it, as I thought it was nothing more than a useless picture-throwing ground for me!

To those who have been following me on Twitter as well. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that the information and illustrations I've been posting on Twitter are almost the same as those on pixiv and FANBOX, so I don't think there will be many people who will be bothered.

If I'm going to go through the trouble of redoing Twitter from scratch, I'll use the same effort to find another illustration social network that can reach more people around the world. So, if there's an illustration social network you use frequently that you'd like MUK to join, please let me know! If possible, I'd like to find a place that is tolerant of naughty loli and has a lot of international users!

みゆちゃん Miyu


(The English version is in the block below.)






===== 目次 =================




























































【About loli regulations (Eng) 】

Now, the main points about freezing have been conveyed above. From here on, I will write about what MUK thinks about loli regulation now.

I don't like to talk about things that make people confront reality, because my job is to show people the world of dreams. However, I thought it would be important to clarify my thoughts and stance, as I make creative loli my living and want to continue to do so seriously in the future.

If you don't mind talking about reality, or if you are interested in MUK's thoughts, please stay with me.


The translation is based on translation tools and less-than-perfect knowledge. Therefore, there may be some incorrect expressions. If there is anything that needs to be changed, please let me know.



・Some excerpts from the Twitter rules

・What I think about the regulation of loli

・MUK's activities in the situation where creative loli is forbidden by law

■Some excerpts from the Twitter rules

Here are a few excerpts of text that may be relevant to me regarding this freeze.


Twitter has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation, one of the most serious violations of the Twitter Rules. This may include media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated images. Regardless of the intent, viewing, sharing, or linking to child sexual exploitation material contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children. This also applies to content that may further contribute to victimization of children through the promotion or glorification of child sexual exploitation. For the purposes of this policy, a minor is any person under the age of 18.

Any content that depicts or promotes child sexual exploitation including.

・illustrated, computer-generated or other forms of realistic depictions of a human child in a sexually explicit context, or engaging in sexually explicit acts

・promoting or normalizing sexual attraction to minors as a form of identity or sexual orientation.



■What I think about the regulation of loli

The important thing in such discussions is to first make a clear distinction between real loli and creative loli. Real loli has its victims, but creative loli has no victims.

And if Twitter thinks that ”creative loli is content that encourages sexual exploitation of children,” then there's nothing I can do about it.

By the way, under the current Japanese law, ”Real loli adult contents are clearly illegal to distribute and possess. Creative loli is under investigation to see if it really has the effect of encouraging sexual crimes.”

I am also against the sexual exploitation of children in the real world. I would like to make this clear once and for all.

On top of that, I do not think that creative loli is content that encourages the sexual exploitation of children.

As a premise, I think that preference for loli is simply a range of individuality that occurs with probability. It's the same as how everyone has a bias towards sexual preference in terms of age and body shape. In short, people who like loli will like it whether creative loli works exist or not.

As preference for loli is one of the universal desires, the demand for creative works that satisfy such desires is also universal. If universal demand is suppressed, distribution will become underground and become a source of revenue for anti-social organizations, as it was during Prohibition. If universal demand is suppressed, distribution will become underground and become a source of revenue for anti-social organizations, as it was during Prohibition. Then, the public will lose interest, and the most important child sex crimes in the real world may become less and less visible.

(About 70% of child sex crimes are committed by fathers, and one of the major problems is that it is difficult to bring them to light and difficult to prove the crimes and monitor them by the government.)

I also think that creative loli may function as a buffer against such desires (i.e., a deterrent or substitute for real crime / a device to maintain public interest in real crime).

I haven't done any research on this, so it's just my personal wish.

In any case, the world is not so simple that banning creative works (fiction) will solve the essential problem (real crimes), and it is clear from history and the world today that it is difficult to control people by ”banning”. That's my opinion.

Now let's come back to the issue of Twitter rules again.

The most important issue for Twitter would not be ”eradication of child sex crimes” but ”brand image that is not involved in any child sex crimes”. So, asking Twitter, ”Do you really think that banning creative loli will reduce child sex crimes?" is actually a bit misguided.

For this reason, I am not particularly upset about the freeze, nor do I intend to say anything about the way Twitter should be. I think that Twitter has its own policies should be respected. I'm just saying that I don't agree with your policy and will leave quietly.

However, since I'm only talking about one social networking service, Twitter, I can say that there is nothing wrong with it. If all the platforms in the world exclude creative loli and there are no places to publish or view them, then creative loli will become underground. I feel that a dystopia where only ”healthy” erotic pictures dominate the world is coming.

■MUK's activities in the situation where creative loli is forbidden by law

So what if one day it is scientifically proven that ”creative loli = content that encourages the sexual exploitation of real children” and it is banned by law? I don't want to encourage the sacrifice of real girls, so I'm going to stop depicting loli sexually then.

However, let me reaffirm my creative concept.


In a nostalgic landscape that seems to have passed away, a world where girls play innocently as if forgotten by time.

In this world, males are mere toys, pets, or insects.

They are owned, bred, dominated, adored, abused, and played with.

An ideal heaven where morality, time, and the balance of power are perverted, and where reality does not exist.


Yes, in fact, my creative concept does not necessarily require direct sexual depiction. If loli-erotic creations were forbidden by law, I would just draw cute and immoral heavenly pictorial art of girls preying and playing with their males without any direct erotic descriptions.

Mostly, it's doubtful that ”MEN☆PLAY☆CHANNEL” is even a viable erotic manga! haha

No matter what happens, MUK is still MUK.

Please don't worry.

Please look forward to it.

And in order to keep it that way, I really rely on your support and encouragement.

Thank you very much for your support.






I have a similar opinion on loli also, I'm glad to hear your opinion on it too. "I would just draw cute and immoral heavenly pictorial art of girls preying and playing with their males without any direct erotic descriptions." Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing more of this also anyway. Just seeing cute lolis keeping tiny men as prisoners without anything overtly sexual is nice to me too. I just want to be kept as a slave by cute girls haha.


つぃっらぁはロリに厳しい。じゃけん皆ファンボに登録しましょうね~ ロリ性犯罪の辺りがマジで自分と解釈一致で、さすがMUK先生やでえ………ってなってる


Well said, I believe it is the same, Its important to distinguish fantasy from reality, but cutting all Loli content from the world will not change the fact that people will look for it regardless. Cutting it could even result in some people unable to control theirs urges since their fantasy world has been destroyed.


twitter is not a very friendly platform for lolicon artists or lolicon in general; as twitter users have the power to delete your profile or suspend it regardless of the content you post.




Upsetting news to hear but hardly surprising considering twitter's stance on loli content creators. As an alternative I would recommend Baraag.net, they are Basically a more international version of Pawoo and they are openly quite open to any artistic content including loli art.


Sensei, we have the same opinion in everything you said, we are with you! Maybe one day we’ll live in peace with our fictional likes ☺️ Hugs from your Spanish friend!


ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙加油 永远追随


Baraag.net would be a great option


Keep creating great art Muk. Even the great Kenta Muira gave his reason for Creative Loli. As long as Japan has its creative freedom, then let all creative fiction continue.


Thank you for your message!! I'm so glad that you love the essential part of my little girls world! Either way, I'd like to increase the opportunities to make SFW loli arts in the future. I believe they have their own loveliness that the one with erotic expression doesn't have...! Please continue to enjoy😊


ありがとうございます!! 扱う内容だけに公開するの結構緊張したので、お髭さんに同意していただけて良かったです😊


ありがとうございます! ロリ作家に行き場がある限りはめげません!


That's so true. Loli contents can prevent "needs" from becoming "uncontrollable urges", I believe. And hope so...!


Don't be sad.😊 I'm a loli-heaven artist as long as there is any place to be allowed.


I was a little nervous before this post, but I'm now happy because I found my friends the same opinion! Thank you, Juanxo!!🥰🥰


Of course. Never become less than the greatness you create.