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When I put pictures of him on my desk when he still had his whole body, I remember what a great toy he was. He sounded good right up to the end, and he continued to entertain me as the best toy ever after. I will document him before I forget.

当我把他的照片放在我的桌子上时,他的整个身体还在,我记得他是一个多么棒的玩具。 他的声音一直到最后都很好听,之后他一直作为最好的玩具逗我开心。我会在忘记之前把它记录下来。

When I carried him to the slaughterhouse asleep and stripped him naked, I wanted to make him last as long as possible. For he was very handsome and had a good body. He woke up and looked at me with frightened puppy dog eyes. I told him, "If you don't want to get killed right away, let me enjoy you," and I enjoyed observing every inch of his body. He resisted to escape at first, but when I sedated him, he was moaning and obeyed.

当我把他抱到屠宰场睡觉,剥光他的衣服时,我想让他尽可能活得久一点。 因为他非常英俊,身材也很好。他醒来后,用惊恐的小狗眼神看着我。我对他说:"如果你不想马上被杀,就让我好好享受你吧" 我喜欢观察他身体的每一寸肌肤。一开始他还想逃跑,但当我给他打了镇静剂后,他就呻吟着服从了。


I laid out a specimen of his cock and photos of him without limbs. His cock still looks as fresh as it did when I cut it off, and the moles in the skin, the raised veins, and the little bit of pubic hair that remains are a clear reminder to me of his body's excellent reaction.


When I cut off his arms, he must have felt no pain, but he looked at his shortened arms with a look of despair on his face. The severed surface of his ham-like arm was beautiful. I enjoyed torturing him armless for weeks, and one day he tried to escape when he saw an opening, so I decided to cut off his legs as well. The limbless toy was so adorable. I played with this toy, fucking it over and over.

当我砍断他的双臂时,他一定感觉不到疼痛,但他看着自己缩短的双臂,脸上露出了绝望的神情。他的火腿般的手臂断面非常漂亮。 有一天,他看到有空隙就想逃跑,于是我决定把他的腿也切掉。这个没有肢体的玩具太可爱了。 我玩弄着这个玩具,一遍又一遍地操着它。


Andrew 2

Cutting off the limbs of the toy was fun. I've written about the time when the toy still had all of his body. 砍掉玩具的四肢很有趣。我已经写过关于玩具还拥有全部身体时的故事 Even after the toy lost his limbs he continued to entertain me for days as a sex toy. I made him cum many times as I fucked ...
