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Quade 2

Previous story 上一个故事 The professor looked at his computer to check the dark web channel was airing this show. “Hey, there is a comment about wanting to see your balls,” the professor said. Quade wondered what the audience meant by wanting to see his balls when he was naked and strapped in fr...

Quade's exclamation echoed around the room. The number of subscribers grew one by one. When Quade's right testicle was fried dry, the professor cut it out with a knife and showed it to Quade himself. “This is what was making your sperm until just now,” he said. “Taste this.”

奎德的惊叹声在房间里回荡。订阅者的数量一个接一个地增加。当奎德的右睾丸被油炸了之后,教授用刀把它切了出来,并亲自给奎德看。 "这就是直到刚才还在制造你的精子的东西" 他说。"尝尝这个"

The professor shoved Quade's testicles into his mouth and said, “Bite down hard,” grabbing Quade's mouth so the audience could get a good look. Quade was forced to eat his own testicle as the crowd watched. “Poor guy, being forced to eat his own testicle, haha.” “It looks so good!” “I wanna eat his ball, too.” The audience got excited, posting comments.

教授把奎德的睾丸塞进他的嘴里,说 "用力咬下去" 抓住他的嘴,让观众看得清楚。奎德被迫在众人的注视下吃自己的睾丸。"可怜的家伙,被强迫吃自己的睾丸,哈哈" "它看起来真不错!" "我也想吃他的睾丸" 观众们兴奋起来,纷纷发表评论。




Really love this guy! Nice work! It could be perfect if he can end up to be cooked or roasted in the kitchen and shared by the audience ୧⍢⃝୨

Des Y



can't wait to see what happens next! his expression is well drawn!!!