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I redrew my recent drawing because I was not satisfied with the quality. The previous one is now available for free.



Victim No. 74, 18 years old


Oliver was a student and was making a small fortune by getting naked on the internet. When my friend and I saw his big cock, we decided to make him our next prey and kidnapped him sleeping to our slaughterhouse.


I injected Oliver with an aphrodisiac. As the drug worked and Oliver's breathing became ragged, I asked, “Are you a virgin?” Oliver did not answer. My friend gently stroked the frightened Oliver and said, “Well I'm sure you were going to have a lot of sex in the future, but your body is now about to be used and discarded as a toy. I'll let you cum just once before taking your genitals away.” Oliver begged us to stop, but I said, “No matter what you beg. Enjoy this precious experience most people cannot do.” My friend tweaked Oliver's beautiful nipples and I sucked his cock. Oliver moaned and ejaculated vigorously.

我给奥利弗注射了一种春药。随着药物发挥作用,奥利弗的呼吸变得粗重,我问道:"你是处女吗?" 奥利弗没有回答。我的朋友轻轻地抚摸着受惊的奥利弗,说:"你本来应该从现在开始有很多性生活,但你的身体从现在开始要被当作玩具使用和丢弃。我只让你射一次,然后我就把你的生殖器拿掉。" 奥利弗求我们停下来,但我说:"不管你怎么求。享受这种大多数人都做不到的宝贵经验吧。" 我的朋友拨弄着奥利弗美丽的乳头,我吸吮着他的阴茎。奥利弗呻吟着,大力射精。

Oliver's cock remained hard even after he ejaculated. “You seem to still wanna cum. Well you're a teenager. But it's over now. Have you tasted your last ejaculation?” I pulled out a knife and grabbed Oliver's scrotum, and he was sweating and screaming for me to stop. I mercilessly cut open his scrotum and the white membrane inside it. Then I pulled Oliver's glossy testicles.

奥利弗的阴茎在射精后仍然坚硬。"你似乎还想射精。好吧,你是个少年人。你尝过你最后一次射精的滋味吗?" 我掏出一把刀,抓住奥利弗的阴囊,他满头大汗,叫着让我停下来。我无情地割开他的阴囊和里面的白膜。然后我拉着奥利弗光洁的睾丸。

My friend took out a hammer and screw-type nails. “I can't wait to dismember a young man who's not half as old as we are. Hey! I envy you having your body toyed with by strange men, haha,” my friend said, pulling on Oliver's bare testicles. Oliver let out a low moan. My friend nailed Oliver's testicles on the table between his legs. Oliver screamed in a high pitched voice then. I placed the knife that had cut through Oliver's scrotum on his cock. Oliver was moaning in a weak voice, begging me not to cut his cock. I smirked and stuck the knife at the base of his cock. “If you move any further, your cock will rip in half. Haha.”

我的朋友拿出一把锤子和螺丝型钉子。"我迫不及待地想肢解一个没有我们一半年纪的年轻人。嘿!我羡慕你的身体被陌生男人玩弄,哈哈" 我的朋友说,拉着奥利弗的裸露的睾丸。奥利弗发出了低沉的呻吟声。我的朋友把奥利弗的睾丸钉在他两腿之间的桌子上。奥利弗当时用高亢的声音尖叫起来。我把划破奥利弗阴囊的刀放在他的阴茎上。奥利弗用微弱的声音呻吟着,求我不要割他的阴茎。我冷笑一声,把刀插在他的鸡巴根部。"移动你的身体,你的阴茎将被切成两半。哈哈哈"

My friend licked and teased every inch of Oliver's body. “Well, that's a good thing, because if you have such a beautiful body, you'd want everyone to see it, wouldn't you? But it was your fault for getting carried away.” Oliver was sweating and desperately trying to hold his ground so he wouldn't move.

我的朋友舔弄着奥利弗的每一寸身体。"当然,如果你有这样一个美丽的身体,你希望每个人都能看到它。但这是你的错,因为你得意忘形了。" 奥利弗大汗淋漓,拼命地想保持不动。

“Then let's tear open the wrapper and see the treasure inside.” I thrust a pair of tweezers into Oliver's exposed left testicle and tore open the membrane. As the yellow inner tissue of his testicle came into view, I scraped it out. Oliver screamed, but still struggling to hold on. Then I cut off half of his testicle and picked it up. Oliver's eyes went white and he began to convulse. That's when his cock began to cum with blood. “Wow! He's still cumming! He's a great toy. Hey you're actually happy about it, aren't you?” My friend and I laughed.

"让我们撕开包装,看看里面有什么宝藏。" 我把一对镊子插入奥利弗暴露的左睾丸,撕开了薄膜。当他的睾丸的黄色内部组织进入视野时,我把它刮了出来。奥利弗尖叫起来,但仍在挣扎着坚持。然后我切下他的半个睾丸,把它拿起来。奥利弗的眼睛变白了,他开始抽搐。这时,他的阴茎喷出了精液和血。"你仍然可以射精!他是一个伟大的玩具。嘿,你其实很高兴,不是吗?" 我和我的朋友笑了起来。


Oliver 2

Previous story 上一个故事 “We've already got your balls all messed up. You don't even need a cock, do you? Enjoy the sensation of your dick ripping while you get fucked.” With that, his friend pulled Oliver's hips back and fucked him in the ass. “Gaaaah! Oh no! Stop! Please stop!” Oliver cried ou...





Des Y

太愛了 這樣插刀也能射精是福氣⋯⋯我也想要








i want you to draw muscular man


He has an athlete's body type for his age. Do you prefer the bodybuilder look?


I want to see a bodybuilder. Hair -bara , is that possible?