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“What the fuck are you talking about? Stop it! Get me out of here! Pervert!” Otto ranted.

"你他妈的在说什么?停止吧!让我离开这里!变态!" 奥托尖叫起来。

“There's no point in talking like that. If you don’t tell me how you want to be killed, I’ll do just I want.” The killer took out a knife and slit open Otto’s scrotum. Otto’s testicles, covered with a glossy white membrane, hung down. “You son of a bitch, stop! Stop!” Otto’s shouting only amused the killer. The killer placed a wooden board between Otto’s legs and crucified the scrotum with nails. On the board, defenseless, Otto’s balls were waiting to be cooked. Otto moaned as the killer lined up a lot of nails and a hammer between Otto’s legs. “Stop! Don’t! Please don't do that!”

"这样说是没有意义的。如果你不告诉我你想怎么被杀,我就只做我想做的事。"凶手拿出一把刀,割开了奥托的阴囊。奥托的睾丸被一层有光泽的白膜覆盖着,垂了下来。"你这个狗娘养的,住手!停下来!" 奥托的叫喊声只让凶手感到高兴。凶手把一块木板放在奥托的两腿之间,钉在阴囊上。在木板上,毫无防备的奥托的蛋蛋正等待着被煮熟。奥托呻吟着,因为凶手在奥托的两腿之间排了很多钉子和锤子。"不要!不要!不要请不要这样做!"

The killer took nails and hammered it into Otto’s testicles. Otto suffered each time. Otto’s testicles were pierced with many nails in a straight line, and clear fluid leaked out of the holes. Otto twisted, but every time he did, the killer sent a violent current through Otto’s nipples and cock. Otto had to be quiet and patient.


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“I’d eat your balls. They taste better if they are hurt before cut.” the serial killer made a strange laughing face. The killer inserted the knife between the nails driven into Otto’s testicles. Otto’s face contorted. When the killer pulled out the nail lodged in the tip of Otto’s left testicle, the sliced part came off along with the nail. The second blade was inserted into Otto's balls and Otto screamed loudly. The killer said. “You’ll feel castrated over and over again!” Otto’s mouth was quivering.

"我想吃你的蛋蛋。如果在切割前受伤,它们的味道会更好" 连环杀手做出一个奇怪的笑脸。凶手把刀子插在了钉在奥托睾丸上的钉子之间。奥托的脸扭曲了。当凶手拔出插在奥托左睾丸顶端的钉子时,被切下的部分和钉子一起脱落。第二把刀插进了奥托的睾丸,奥托大声尖叫起来。凶手说 "你会一次又一次地感到被阉割!" 奥托的嘴在颤抖着。

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