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Victim No. 38, 23 years old


Logan woke up naked and tied to a chair. He looked around, startled, and moaned in horror. It was a windowless room with many pictures on the walls. The photos showed young men being subjected to various forms of torture. All the men had been irreversibly tortured, like losing limbs, guts, genitals, and all had expressions of despair and anguish on their faces. And on a nearby desk was a stack of various underwear. Boxer briefs and trunks, all apparently used. They were probably what the men on the wall had been wearing before they were killed. Scattered beside them were ID cards and credit cards, and in the back were a number of jars that looked like specimens. Inside the jars were male genitalia that had been cut out of their erections. On each jar was a picture of the men who probably owned the genitalia.




I love the details of the surroundings, that tell their own stories! You do this so well! The main scene is hot as hell, fo course!


Recently I have stopped to draw surroundings but it seems a good idea to draw them to enrich stories. Thanks!