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As much as i'd like to release this comic series as usual, as a freebie mini comic commission, we've decided to make this a gumroad backed Doujin series, as the costs to making this comic series have grown beyond our current budget purely from fanbox (even with the added addition of my own funds) as with every issue/part we try to add more and more pages and more detail to the comic and we would like to continue doing so for this series in the future, should we continue producing more parts of this series (if you Fan's desire more of it). Therefore, we've decided to release part 4 of this comic series on Gumroad for a little while, in order to raise funds for the next part of this comic series and to see how many fan's would like to see this series continue, so if you'd like to see this series continue, please feel free to support us by buying the comic early on our gumroad >.< Note: Like our usual Doujins released on Gumroad, in about a months time after this Comic has has been released on Gumroad, we will be releasing it for All Fan's on our Fanbox page, so don't fret if you arent able to purchase it at this time, as it will be made available to all you Fans soon enough ^^! - The Price for this comic on gumroad will also be the usual static $6 we charge for our Gumroad Doujins, as we feel it meets the quality and standard of the usual Doujin's we produce on there, aside from it being in color. The Link to Buy our the comic for $6 or whatever you're willing to Donate can be found here: https://tsfsingularity.gumroad.com/l/pbaep Links to the artist's pages can also be found bellow: Twitter: https://twitter.com/massive_pink - The Donations received from you Fans will substantially help the continued production of this comic series and will also allow us to potentially create/start new comic series for you Fan's to enjoy as well ^^ - We really didn't want to go this route with this comic, but right now this is our best option in order to continue working on/producing it at a regular/steady pace with the quality of the comic getting better and better every issue, so if you're able to support us by buying the comic early, it'd be much appreciated <3



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