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Sorry for the delay, Here's our long awaited "Fusion/Merge" Runner-up TSF Mini Comic with 7 Pages! which we intended to have done last month, but due to the previous artist suddenly cancelling on us, it took us until now to find a new artist and get this comic done, shoutout to "Rhaokja" for doing this for us on such short notice, and doing such a great job on it! we wouldn't of been able to get this great commission done without him >.< - We hope it was worth the wait ^^! Links to his page(s) can be found bellow: DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/rhaokja (if you'd like to see more of his works) - Thanks again for supporting us this month, stay tuned for our upcoming 6 community commission's (for the month of September), our new runner-up commission(s), personal commissions/alt versions (to help with the wait), the delayed community commissions (from July & August), which i plan to also release throughout the month, a upcoming bonus Free Animation and lastly our End of Month Bonus Bleach themed Comic coming out this month (September) ^^! - If you liked what you saw, and want to see more in the future, feel free to join our $10 or $13 tier, which allows more of these Mini Comic's to be possible ^^! PS: I've also attached the sketches bellow, that he sent me before hand, before we moved on the lineart/coloring stage ^^!




A great fusion!