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Hee! Ho! Welcome to the final month of the year!

As is tradition the 12 days of One Off´s will be happening and I´ll be taking your suggestions today! (See next post).

But first I need to tell you all something that impacted my productivity in october and November. (If you are not interested skip to the next section of this post.).

I know I wrote in the schedule of November that I would try to release the next part of Project Dronewatch and also finish with all commissions, so I could start taking more on this month. But since October a political issue happenend in my country. I life in Panama and during the later half of this year the government signed a huge contract with a mining company, during this time a lot of citizens where not happy with the signing of this contract cause it gave the mining company the right to take any piece of land of the country and just take it for their business. Later it was discovered that many politicians actually didn't read the contract they signed and just took bribes from the mining company to look the other way.

Every citizen in Panama was outraged and went outside to the streets to protest. This protests lasted 6 weeks. To the point were gas stations ran low on fuel, supermarkets couldn't restock food and many businesses couldn't operate cause of fear of looters.

My parents business was affected and they asked me for help since they didn't have enough manpower to operate properly. Due to that and me trying to help and be there for all members of the family had me moving all over town, left me with little free time to work. I barely managed to get the 10 days of One Off´s of November ready and I´m still not finished with commissions.

The good news was that in November 28 after a lot of clashing with the government the mining contract was declared null and void. So, hopefuly things will return back to normal.

I apologize for to my clients for are still waiting for their commissions and to all of you, my supporters, for not being able to fulfil my promises.


With things going back to normal (hopefuly) I will get back to work on finishing the remaining commissions.

Project drone watch is still progressing on development and I intend of finishing it. but still can´t give a solid date. it will be out when it´s out.

Here is a sneak peak:

And as mentioned early on this post, I´ll be opening for suggestions for the 12 days of One Off´s of December 2023.

Now to the Schedule

Decemeber 1: Opening for sugggestion for the 12 days of One Off´s of December 2023.

December 5: Daily posts until I have nothing else to post.

December 17: The 12 days of One Off´s of December 2023 Begin!

December 29: Supercasket pack 63 and picture vault update available.

December 30: Picture dump December 2023.

If you have any questions, leave it in the comments.



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