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  • Happy New Year.mp4



January is almost over but i think i can still wish everyone a happy 2024! i have some plans for the year and some stuff that will come out soon that i would like to share with everyone too, so anyway... happy new year!

Happy New Year

>> Releasing soonish

first what i'm working right now! its an animation featuring Momoi and Midori from blue archieve, the twins! this one is going to be a long 6~ minute animation

I'm also working on a short 2~3 minute animation featuring YaoYao! she was kinda forgotten on the backlog on characters but i think she deserves some love ヾ(^▽^*)))

>> Projects for the year and beyond

Now for some plans i have for this year and the future. The guys that are active on discord will know that i want to make games, lewd cunny games! and i have been learning unreal for the past few months, although i don't have any concrete gameplay to show yet, i am working on one of the original character for a game! she is still unnamed but here is a first look on what i have been cooking with a friend, the colors are of course just to be easier to identify each independent part

She is a mesugaki type character, but the weak type that will try to tease you and end up being teased instead! 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

The plan for the game is to be an island suffering from the usual low birth rates, actually the whole island has just a few old people and 3 girls! these 3 girls are the only hope the island has to go back to its former glory! or something like that lmao

you will be a new teacher after the last one kicked the bucket from old age, and will have the job to teach and eer "teach" the girls about "biology"

If you guys have time, i would like your opinion if a game like that even interrestests you, and if it's does, what is your opinion on her design! using the form below

>>> https://forms.gle/Bh1tdbQXY5RscRne6 (ended)

If you are interested don't go getting TOO hyped about it, it will take a while for something to come out, but i do hope to release something like this! anyway be sure to enter our discord server if you would like to talk more about it (●'◡'●)




Everything looks great! Stoked you're doing blue archive content! The game seems very interesting, and I'd definitely pick it up. The character design looks pretty good! 頑張ってってください!


I can't wait to start following this development, I'm very excited. Not worried about the amount of time, honestly just really looking forward to watching the process!


Game sounds interesting, I'm all for it. Love mesugaki loli's. Plus it would be in English, which is awesome since games like this are usually in moonrunes lol.


love seeing this


Looks good, but I will have to check back later. Your vids are incredible and the length are beyond what you normally see. But the frequency is an issue. I found there are months with no content and no notice. So I will put my sub. on hold for now. Sorry.


Do you know how I have been waiting these past few months? 😡


thank you for all the support, after over 2 years working non stop it was starting to get to me and i have been losing steam, i'll never be as quick as i used to but i hope to get back into gear

mr yang

pls chinies language Very useful


The biggest problem is not that you take a break it is that you don’t tell us what’s going on here on fanboy. I know you got the discord but many are either not using discord or like me have no time to search through 100 of messages in the chat group :(


that is true, for this year one of the things i want to improve is with more frequent updates with previews and stuff


I am looking forward to the game. I know for a fact that if you say you are cooking YOU ARE COOKING. So I know it'll be a banger. Also I will pray for more Blue Archive themed animations (from loli characters that have no art whatsoever like Ibuki for example) BUT I love the genshin cunny too. Well as long as I am subbed to this I will always have my supply of peak cunny animations of characters I love for the rest of my life.


Hi, 3Dimm, thank you for ur works a lot! As fan I will be very grateful if you will consider doing some long Mcdonald`s family stuff. I know on 2024 it`s kinda out of fashion, but I personally a big fan of family adult content (like ur Tagaki&Chi animation)


I saw Momoi and Midori! I really like the blue archive character, can I see more in the future? Thank you for your work!


Can u dm me the discord?


Hi, 3Dimm, thank you for ur works a lot! As fan I love your work but the frequency is an issue.When can we see the next vids?😣


Where should I see the earlier works?😭


Could you do me the discord?


I meant show 😭


Could you send me the invitation to the discord? Please...


is there any update ? it's been 4 months that no news whatwoever were posted... I mean, we're still getting charged monthly, some kind of update would be very appreciated


i always fall on the trap of thinking i'm almost done so "i won't post updates cause i'll post it soon anyway", but this time its almost done, actually


Can you post an update? Similar to when a new work will be released so we don't have to wait around aimlessly


Pls just do a post now… If the new animation isn’t ready then np but even if it comes out in four weeks or smth we at least deserve a post that it is indeed coming. It’s been 4months


When will you submit it? It's already June.

Koji Kkk

Do you have a Discord link?


ive been trying to send you a message to get links and passwords to your work but pixi wont let me. help


there are no links or passwords, but if you have any more questions join the discord group, link on the comment bellow