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Gorou ends up in a situation where he is being treated as a pet by Yae, and wait why is Yae flat anyway? cause i wanted to ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ

Teen Yae Miko aside i ended up spending too much time into foreplay but hope you guys like it anyway ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

The Mega account i usually upload was banned aswell but thats kinda expected since this happens even with artists that do "nomal" works, the other link has always been the main one, and if anyone hasn't ever used it you can either watch online (be sure to change the quality since for some reason it always starts at 244p) or download clicking the button in the top left corner

Update 16/09/2022:

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but due to fanbox guidelines and as a preventive measure download links now have a password, hope you guys understand (╥﹏╥)

to get acess to the password enter our discord server, after the verification process it will be on the #fanbox-passwords channel

if you don't want or can't access discord please send me a direct message on pixiv and i'll send you the password manually

Online/Download: 2022 - February Folder




Twinks do have the big dick energy ;P


太棒了!如果有巨乳版本那就更好了(●°u°●)​ 」


I like flat Yae! also nice footjob too


Flat Yae best Yae


I mean we could say Gorou has a preference towards smaller girls so Yae was indulging his fantasies.




eeeeh? translation engines are giving me conflicting translations about this one ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)


Yae Miko should be big lol


higher supporters can watch the content from 300 yen too, 500 can vote on polls on discord etc etc


I want to know can i get what reward for each month in Fanbox, even if I don't join Discord? Is there something unique in Discord?


By the way this online download is too diffcult for vpn, will the download link of Mega be added again in the future?


the discord is fully optional for the supporter tier, the voting for the voter tier happens on discord tho, and what is the difficult with the download site?


I prefer Loli