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Sadly with no warning and with a single banhammer the discord is gone, dunno if i should create another one or maybe we try another platform, although likely people won't use a new site... so the best option is probably to create a new discord and not allow loli content directly over there unfortunally, opnions?




they cant keep lolicons quiet forever!


i remember awhile back folks talked about an alternative chat site that people that frequent baraag used to use. if you are interested in a replacement discord alternative.


Definitely a good idea to use a different platform. I know there's some servers that use Matrix but have a bot to upload people's posts there to the Discord. Dunno if it's vice versa but I don't see why it wouldn't.


Or just have super restricted access. Definitely don't make it public. Only allow fans in that have subbed consistently for a certain period of time.


thats kinda how things were set up, but people kept leaking the link anyway and randoms keep constantly asking to get in


this time i'll probably go with the usual approach and just make it public but not allow lolis, we cant have nice things sadly


Up to you if you wanna try a more private place. Dunno if I personally would follow to another platform and making a server with no loli would kinda conflict with your art blog.


Or just don't allow the link to be shared. Only send one time use links to people following this fanbox. Alternatively, we could just make secret chats in the public server that only verified people can have access to.


Or you could restrict access to sensitive nsfw content in the server to only people you trust.


Definitely create a private one (maybe you already have one), the paywall is too strong against those damn social credit farmers lol As for preventing the invitation link leak you can do like me, people have to send a DM on discord/pixiv along with their fancard if they want to join and DON'T FORGET to block certain roles to create invitation links (ㆁωㆁ)


Maybe try a different platform or something I feel like getting rid of loli kind of defeats the purpose somewhat, Idk.


the way it was set up was that no one could see anything in the server until i gave them the supporter role, this means either someone got in and reported everything, or someone just reported the whole server without even seeing the channels and discord just looked at it and got out the ban hammer


the unfortunate thing is that it was private, but i guess asking people to DM me for the link will be the only way, even if its a big pain in the ass for everyone


Well the channel that was used for people show their fanbox name was exposed to everyone so technically loli content was already visible even without having full access to the server


Ya, any idea who the mole was? Was quite the surprise, tbh .... Also as long as the loli isn't nude they usually don't have a problem. Had the same situation on another server a while back.. Some SJW didn't like my uploads.. I got a strike (incl. temp ban), the server got a strike.They only demanded to delete the nude content and by complying with that the server could stay.


If there's a new server lock invites or put NSFW access behind a fanbox member-only role.


Make an extra special role that only a chosen few get.


Goddamn... we've suffered a great loss today. I was actually really enjoying my time in the server :C I hope to see everyone again on another server / platform. There were some cool people in there.


without loli content its not the same :( If you find another site where you can post loli too just try it i think most of the people here would join anyways :)


the problem is that most likely when someone reports the server discord just looks at every channel, likely antis will report it regardless if they can see it or not


Likewise. Browsing the server was part of my daily routine. I can't handle this loss


You could try hosting your own Matrix server or make a federated site. That way, you make the rules, and don't have to follow Discords.


Well, shhiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


Kind of, but it's one of the best ways to keep everything under control and maintain the longevity of a loli server imo. Maybe there's a better way to automatize this process 🤔


Honestly, I'd try to find a different platform. Discord is really slap-happy when it comes to banning anything that mentally ill busybodies might find "offensive." I don't really use social media, and haven't for a couple of years now, so unfortunately, I can't really suggest a good one - if such a thing still exists.


I'm crying dimmo-sama, please do something QQ


Same here I want to be in the server again with everyone, I was having a lot of fun hanging with everyone on the server.


This just came out of nowhere…i’m at lost for words…


i'll see what to do, tomorrow i'll create another post with the decision with another discord server or a new site


Thanks! Well if it's not a discord we can use something else. I'm not particularly keen on creating an account somewhere else, but I'm happy to do so if we get our beloved cute&funny lolis!


OH NO! That's so sad! ;_;


Shit I noticed that it was gone a few minutes ago, hopefully you figure something out soon! I enjoyed being on that server


what makes this suspicious is that the server can't be banned unless someone reports it. you have it set to only supporters and then verify to see it, so the ONLY way for it to go like this is for someone to have reported it but why pay for an artist only to report a server?


some people go great lengths to ruin others fun, but now i think it was probably my fault, since the verification to see the channels in the server were happening in the same server, this means someone could find the link somewhere online and just report the whole server even without a role


Even if I've barely talked it was nice to see everyone having a good time in the server, it was my favorite to go to as well


Discord sure loves to just ban without any warning


I Have a Channel for such content and the mods are pretty good at inviting......"trusting" people much like Auralight posted some one had to have reported you or your server for it to have come under a ban hammer.... discord devs wont just stroll around server to server and find you lol...


Damn Dimmo this is just sad I was there when you first started Discord and felt like we had a great community growing. I hope you find a second discord like place it was nice to see fellow loli lovers


The last and the best place ever I have found on the Internet to enjoy kawaii loli is vanishing... Is that means lolikons are not allowed to show their opinions and love freely only for the over-protection for children? We haven't hurt anyone and like nijigen loli only. Is it reasonable to ban our devotion to loli??


Also, dont give up on finding another place to share loli content it sucks we lost the server, but we can rebuild again it doesnt have to be rushed just take your time whenever you're ready


Well for me I can never figure out how to work Discord. Confuses the heck out of my Asperger brain. the only sites that have yet banned loli content is Twitter, Pixiv/Fanbox, SubscribeStar and Iwara. That I know of at least.


Discord does this every now and then, it's to do with the server more than you. A couple other servers I've been in have been deleted several times already, with the owners account punished. We just keep making more, and we have some idea how they might be finding servers - since even tight knit servers can get taken down. Discord has far to many servers to manually police each one like this. Make sure you have explicit content filter set as "don't scan" if you didn't already. This isn't the fix, it's just a step. 1/2


As for how else they might find the server - there's a suspicion that it's due to someone uploading content to one server, and then someone grabs the link and it starts getting shared around. Loose lips sink ships That embed link still points back to your server, and Discord can use it to find and shut it down. e.g. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/166623579398602752/935585234718711838/microsoft_sam.jpg Suggestion here is, no media embeds/uploads only links (from elsewhere; doujin links, pixiv etc).


The permissions would be like this for your channels https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935708863502639115/935713052639260672/unknown.png


Other option is to have a non-lewd server, and a lewd one you only invite active members to. Keeps lurkers out, one of whoom may be looking to just snipe reports. All of this is about layers of security here. As for other options that aren't discord - there really isn't a feasible one. Try and see for yourself if you like - I know ATF has a Rocketchat, but that isn't free to run. In the servers I run, and the half dozen I'm part of, this is just the way it is


I'm usually just the quite fan that awaits your uploads and the Loli content is just extra bad yeah i just notice about this through my email sad.


yeah it was suggested to me to make a sfw and a separate nsfw server, i'll probably go with that idea


make a new one and just don't allow loli content, like there are many many websites for that stuff. just have the discord for discussions, roles and post announcements (make sure the thumbnail is sfw).


I miss the server already! I made some friends there and I want to back...we still support you, Dimmo!


Damn, that's awful. They really are strict about that stuff. I'd be amenable to another option or an sfw and nsfw discord with restrictions so the server doesn't get killed. Of course it also sucks that we can't share our interests with each other either, though...an alternate site for something like that would be good. I do really like the community that was built up, lots of cool people and amazing artists...what a shame. Still supporting you, Dimmo!


That sucks it keeps happening to a lot of loli servers.Have you heard of ATF Chat? I just recently discovered it.Fully allows Loli content.But I am new not to knowledgable about it.Very similar to discord.


NO MAN! This is so upsetting!!! Discord is really ok some nut crap man. I’ll forever support your decisions on whatever you make an another one or not.


Wait, The discord been up for an as long as I’ve been supporting you and that’s like an year now and it wasn’t banned till now? Did someone report discord?? If discord wanted to ban the server wouldn’t that happen an long time ago? I don’t understand why would someone support you to get the server banned for everyone who enjoys being there. Ruining everything man! It’s unclear that discord knows about the stuff everyone posts unless it gotten reported or something. Just doesn’t add up. For whatever reason it did get reported, Why did someone goes to great lengths to do this? What do you achieve? What do you gain? Literally, nothing. I hope the best for you Dimmo. Keep moving.


This sucks man. I really enjoy the environment in your Discord not to mention all the "top quality" lewds I took from there. I really can't suggest anything as I am not too knowledgeable on this matter but will still follow you on your other platforms like iwara and pixiv.


Damn that was the one of the few places I could draw some loli, wish you the best of luck tho


it's terrible, it was such a beautiful place :(


No my loli heaven is gone! That really sucks man. Loved this place because its not that easy anymore to find a place to share some good old loli hentai. Would love a new one but without loli/shota stuff it would never be the same.


:( not mi loli


I see you made a new server for it but since I’m not a fan anymore I can’t join it rip, hope that server goes well though


Gettin' the shakes with no place to share loli and shitpost 🤣 Let me know if there's anything I can do to help


Would like to join your discord server but sadly I don't have much cash right now :( lost my job cuz of stupid covid. I wanna get back in to see some good lolis in chat.


What a pity :(, a pity that will happen. I would like to join the discord but unfortunately I don't have money to become a fan. Well I will continue supporting you


You can try another platform called Guilded, it feels very similar to discord, and it doesn't seem to have an upload size limit. I know this is a late response but maybe check it out if you haven't

