(commission) Emily & Colton + updates (Pixiv Fanbox)
2023-09-18 22:24:28
Hey everyone, you're probably wondering when my next doujin comic on here will be. I have started on the next chapter with these two, however it's been really slow going. As you know the previous comics I released were almost consecutively one month after the other at the beginning of the year. While I had a lot of fun working on those, it ended up burning me out close to finishing "my webcam sister" and by that time I was struggling with continuing anything. I'm still working on a collaboration with a friend which will release on dl site and possibly booth, however in regards to releasing a new comic here on fanbox might not be until the end of the year.
Some of you are probably disappointed to hear this, but It doesn't feel right to me to work on making doujins when my interest isn't completely there and I end up making something lackluster. I realized whether it has to do with my personality or whatever that doing projects like these comes in phases and I can't help but do them in bursts at a time. I will still continue to update here regularly, but for the communion plan I'll probably be uploading things like process pics and .csp files for the time being.
I appreciate all your support and hope you continue to do so!
次の同人誌の更新がいつになるか、気になっている方も多いと思います。現在、新しい章を始めてはいますが、進行がかなり遅いです。年初には、前回の作品をほぼ毎月連続で公開していました。それらの作品に取り組むのは楽しかったですが、「my webcam sister」を完成させる頃には、私自身が疲れ果ててしまいました。その時点で、何かを続けるのが難しくなっていました。