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The part of Grocery store owner part.2 is complete! This time I tried a theme that I haven't tried before, I hope you will like it!(*´∀`)~♥ Grocery store owner part.2 的部分完成了! 這次嘗試以前沒試過的題材 , 希望你們會喜歡! (*´∀`)~♥ If you want to support sponsorship, I can go to my patreon/fanbox: (如果你想支持贊助我可以到我的patreon/fanbox :) https://www.patreon.com/Haimanga https://gallant1110.fanbox.cc/ Or go to my gumroad to buy other products: (或是購買我的其他商品) https://haimanga.gumroad.com/ Thank you very much!♥♥♥ !



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