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Dear diary, this is my 7th day without internet service. I've already spent a fortune on cellular data and things don't seem to be coming to an end soon...(×_×)⌒☆ Have I been bad...? Is this a punishment for drawing lewds on Sunday...? Why does this happen to me...? I always wave to the men in the phone company service van, but they never wave back. Are they blind or they just don't care about my feelings...? I want to watch a 4 hour in depth video about liminal spaces, but that would bankrupt me hard, very hard... At least I still have some of my sanity thanks to my old collection of DVDs. And to think that people laughed at me for keeping them, who's laughing now...? My phone is trying to download some useless update...Fufufu...I won't let you...!




Clicked for the drawing, stayed for the story lmao.