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These windy days sure are getting crazier and crazier... 🍂🍁 But it's still worth going out for a walk, some nice views can be found...!



Aegis Realm

Why anime child porn...

Aegis Realm

It would be better if aged up tho


Sorry for deleting your first comment, at the time I didn't find it productive to get into a discussion on the subject when I was looking for an answer to a specific situation. Still, thanks for taking your time to comment. I am of the idea that drawings are drawings and in the realm of imagination absolutely everything is valid (whether I like it or not). However, I strongly condemn and disavow actual C P or any attempt to normalize it. If something, I am sorry that you have had to see content that is not pleasant for you. I wish I could use the appropriate tags and thumbnails so that people who want to engage with the topic have an easy time finding it and conversely people who don't want to engage with the topic have an easy time avoiding it. This is as far as I'm willing to go for a compromise. I don't want to see this kind of content anywhere near the mainstream but I do want to have a little corner on the internet where I can share it with other like minded individuals.

Aegis Realm

I see, just wanted to share my feedback as you had asked previously, and not the first artist I see posting such disgusting content among other normal adult content, don't really understand the appeal in that.


I was asking about the status of the official content policy and moderation on Fanbox, I didn't ask for personal opinions on this type of content. But I can definitely appreciate and understand your opinion. In my case, I don't like goru, that's why I don't follow artists who draw these types of images, I don't go to their galleries to comment on how disgusting their work is, but I don't ask for their expulsion or ban either. I do not ask you to understand the appeal of this at all, there is no need for that. I know it's weird, but it's something that I and many other people like and that really has no effect or influence in the real world. So we should be able to be left alone to do our own thing.