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Hey folks, I have some bad news for everyone. This is going to effect a lot of western artists. It appears as though Fanbox will start taking action against the whole "Uncensored links in description" loophole that many of us have been using. As a result we will not be able to share any uncensored art on Fanbox. Either direct or indirect. What does this mean for me? Well I have a healthy amount of Eastern viewers so I would like to keep my account in good standing. I plan on slowly deleting all my uncensored links before the July 25th deadline. Starting with the oldest stuff first. As well as a general cleanup of the feed. I suggest you grab what you don't have while you can. If you are interested in uncensored works then I would ask you to please switch over to my Subscribestar and support me there. (https://subscribestar.adult/mantis-x) TL:DR : Starting July 25 I will not be able to supply uncensored works anymore. Please switch to my SubStar (https://subscribestar.adult/mantis-x) if you are interested in such works! --- みなさん、こんにちは。皆さんに悪いニュースがあります。これは多くの西洋のアーティストに影響を与えるでしょう。 Fanboxは、「説明文における無修正リンク」の抜け道に対して行動を起こすようです。 その結果、Fanboxでの無修正のアートを直接的または間接的に共有することはできなくなります。 私にとってこれはどういう意味を持つのでしょうか?私は多くの東洋の視聴者を持っているため、アカウントを良好な状態に保ちたいと思っています。7月25日の締め切りまでに、徐々にすべての無修正リンクを削除する予定です。最も古いものから始めます。また、フィードの一般的な整理も行います。皆さんが手に入れていないものは、できる限り手に入れることをおすすめします。 もし無修正作品に興味がある場合は、私のSubscribestarに切り替えてそちらでサポートしていただくようお願いします。(https://subscribestar.adult/mantis-x) 要約すると、7月25日以降、私はもはや無修正作品を提供することができません。もしそのような作品に興味がある場合は、私のSubStar(https://subscribestar.adult/mantis-x)に切り替えてください!




aww shit... here we go... again......


Knew this was gonna happen sooner or later, those who got caught in the past was mostly due to spamming the feed but no idea how thing are gonna be after July 25th ;w;


Aye same here.. Fantia has had this policy for years. I figured Pixiv would eventually pick it up.


Then I wish you all the best for the future. I don't have a payment option that subscribestar accepts. Maybe one day on a other Website. I can Check your Twitter.


A bad news is......I can't support you in subscribestar because I only have debit card and don't have credit card. You see, fanbox can use paypal so I can use debit card to subscribe you, bur subscribestar seems only support the credit card and can't use paypal. SO I don't have any way to support you in subscribestar. I don't know how many people here is like me, I hope there is a way to solve it. Either the subscribestar can use the debit card and support to use paypal or I am going to get my first credit card in 4 years later


I'll see you on subscribestar.


Maybe you can try to use patreon? I have support some artists that in patreon. They can release their uncensored works in there. If it is ture that patreon can tolerate the uncensored works and you try to use it , the people like me who don't have credit card but have debit card can have a chance to support you and watch your uncensored works. Hope you can consider it.


Yea I know of several people who sadly won't be able to make the switch. Perhaps I can find another alternative platform. Patreon has already soft banned me 3 times. They really aren't an option xD


Keep on eye on my Twitter, I might come up with some alternatives in the near future. And thank you for your support!


I have never understood this incessant need to ban anything uncensored. These People DO know that in reality genitals are not pixelated right? This is not some weird fiction going on...... This really sucks, i don't have credit card so Subscribestar is out for me too.


This really sucks indeed, and sadly my hands are tied. I'll look around for another platform but the odds of them allowing half of my content will be pretty much zilch.


Well i'll just keep the pledge going on this site and wait for, either a solution that crops up, or wait for a site like Sankaku where stuff gets reuploaded after abou a day anyway. Might not be the best way but it's something.


Thank you I appreciate that! I was actually just joking with a friend about that. People could support me here and just get my stuff "Second hand". xD


On this note: What happend to your own site? Are you bringing it back?


What about a read only discord server to share the funny links? That could be a solution 🤔


Well If patreon is not a choice, then I will wait until you find a better website


Something I might consider. Although Discord itself has rules against certain content as well.


Guess it's time to switch over to subscribestar now that Fandbox is targeting more artists


A few creators i support use discord and it works for them, even with "certain content"


i'll switch to subscribstar too! see you there ^^


sucks that this happened but i will see you on subscribestar ^^/


That sucks big times, and not in a good way... I will have to look into the pricing as it costs me a bit more on subscribestar, so I might not be fully able to keep the same monthly tier as I do here.


I've lived with censorship long enough that even full censorship barely registers, so I'm not affected by this. Still, I'm sorry this is happening.


Creating a read only Discord might be an option for the links. I know Discord has their own policies, but I don't think any of your content would break that so do the whole "Everyone is of legal age" disclaimer. Although I doubt Fanbox will change their mind, I suppose I'll find a way to support you either on Subscribestar or somewhere else in the meantime. Hopefully a new fix arises soon for you!


Between this and Fanbox banning people for using certain terms and getting really on the fence about certain body types.. ya.. It's downhill from here


Well I might kick the idea around! I have a few others as well. And thank you muchly. Thankfully we have a bit of time to figure things out, and even then it's only a soft wall we hit on the 25th.


What the hell is happening with pixiv, first they want to remove the app out of the appstore and now this shit as well


Does pixiv not know that not everyone lives in Japan? So not everyone has to follow they're weird censorship laws.


Will still try to support you, idk how subscribestar works but ill see


Thank you kindly! It works in a pretty similar fashion, you'll catch on quickly. The one thing to note is the sub works more like an MMO sub. You are charged 30 days from when you first subscribe, not on the 1st like Fanbox.


These people.just don't want you to do anything these days.


Man, you just can't catch a break!


substar seems like a good option, what about CI-EN for eastern viewers ?


Ci-en is on my list in case Fanbox totally goes under. I also have Fantia


Part of the biz I guess xD As a friend told me.. "The only way to find actual peace of mind is to set up your own server rack in your own basement that only you control" lol

Waffle Shinobi

That sucks so much. Switching over to SubscribeStar now!


If you want Japan to annex their dumb censorship law, sign the petition created by one of the parliament members: https://chng.it/RhwCKF5LSf He'll bring this up in one of their upcoming diet session and put a vote on axeing this needless outdated law.


Source of this annoucement? i cant find it.


Oh and most of the email focused on AI stuff, but then they snuck this gem in at the same time.


I'm moving support over to your subscribestar it's clear pixiv probably going keep sneaking in stuff like this in the future.


I see, i notice em to clarify about it, it seems like it may only apply to IRL stuff, so i will have to wait a week to see what truly is it about. wont be the first time Pixiv mades some misunderstanding.


This is really bad news, I will continue to support you.

Seedy Fuk

That sucks, this last year they have been coming down hard on fanbox artists, uncensored works, gray-area works, links etc etc..now this. guess ill be one of the westerners jumping over to substar to continue support