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Hey folks! Quick update here. Some of you may have noticed that most of my mirror (kyot.me) links are down.

Unfortunately a rogue user uploaded some highly illegal content to the service, and in response their host nuked the entire server. For now some content is limited to Catbox until I can find another mirror service that allows it, or kyot comes back online.

In more positive news, I am almost finished with the finale for CybraToots! I am messing with the final settings for the jizz and should have it ready to go soon!


やあ皆さん!ここでクイックアップデート。私のミラー (kyot.me) リンクのほとんどがダウンしていることに気づいた方もいるかもしれません。

残念ながら、不正なユーザーが非常に違法なコンテンツをサービスにアップロードし、それに応じてホストがサーバー全体を破壊しました。今のところ、一部のコンテンツは、それを許可する別のミラー サービスが見つかるまで、または kyot がオンラインに戻るまで、Catbox に制限されています。

さらに明るいニュースとしては、CybraToots のフィナーレがもうすぐ完成するということです。ジズの最終設定をいじっているところなので、すぐに使えるようになるはずです!




aww shit. here we go again...


Highly illegal stuff... i'm curious but afraid at the same time. Taking an educated guess, they strayed from the greatness of animation.


Ya, the dev didn't specify, but I am guessing you're right. There's only a few things that would cause a pretty tolerant host to go full nuclear.


Why does bad things always happen to good things


sad to hear this. have u tried mega? although it has download limit for free account, its download speed is fast.