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There’re many serial works in progress so I would like to know readers’ opinions.

Please leave a comment about works you like.

It’s ok to choose more than one option.

Polling deadline is 3/31 (Timezone: UTC+08:00).

留言範例: A, B, F

Comment example:A, B, F

A.主管的秘密 The secret of supervisor

B.紫羅蘭的崛起 Rising violet

C.聖光夏洛特 The holy light Charlotte

D.人妻的秘密 The secret of wife

E.換臉APP Face change APP

F.全新題材(作者這邊還有滿滿的全新題材和劇情!)All new storys (Writer still has a lots of new subjects!)




About the current serial works.

The reason of “The Rising violet” pause updating is technical difficulty.

Because my skill is to be desired and unable to present the flight attendants’ polished uniforms.

I have been looking for helper who knows how to make clothes.

However I still need some time. I would like to thank all of you for your patience.

If there is “The Rising violet” new chapter coming out that would be a side story.

About the holy light Charlotte 2-1 English version.

My hard drive failed and damaged the original files.

It created some problems for making the English version.

I can only publish it after my hard drive is fixed.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.