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hey guys,

I haven't finished the doujin yet, but I've kinda come to realize with this tight schedule that even this is kinda too time consuming to be the only thing I focus on, even as sloppy as this few pages I managed to finish may look, they took me weeks to finish, while a few months back I'd probably have had them done in like a week. So I decided to post what I have finished now, and work on something else for a while to continue later working on the next pages and posting them as I finish them.

What I'm saying is not that I won't be making doujins at all tho, it's just that I won't attempt to finish an entire doujin every month, mainly because it's a lot of work and that's something not even full time artists do coz of the crazy time consumption, I feel trying to do this now as I've been these past weeks, even focusing all my spare time into it, it still looks to most as if I was on some sort of hiatus or something like that, and honestly I don't like that too much.

I think it's best for me for now to focus on posting pic sets, each with 3 or so alts, maybe more, and maybe post 4 to 6 of those per month, that'd more than doable to me right now. I will still finish this one and the other 2 ideas you guys had selected, but of course I won't be making more polls until my situation improves, which was an UwU fan reward too, I'll try to come up with something, maybe some of you can suggest some ideas, for now at least they still get a lot more points, and OwO fans still get to choose their pic set, also when I finish the doujins I will post a poll to let you UwU fans choose what the next doujin will be about, but it won't be a monthly thing.

Of course, even tho I know there's no need for me to say this, just in case, don't feel like you have to continue pledging if you were here only for the polls or the montly doujins or animations, I mean even if we chat often I won't stop talking to you coz you decided to stop supporting me, so feel free to do so if you don't like some of these changes, on the other hand, if you decide to stay, I thank you a lot for helping me feel motivated enough to spend the little time I have now drawing some cuties and continue improving.

As I mentioned before I don't post these files directly here now so check the mega folder, also as I mentioned, some people have complained before about my grammar so if you think something in the dialogs could sound better said some other way or needs to get fixed pls let me know so I can change it.

thanks guys




Is it too late to ask for the link to this? Or the folder with your old and new sketches?


That's actually really good! It made me genuinely laugh, and the art was great, as expected. (And even the Eevee had a cunny lol) I think you definitely have a talent for this, even if you doubted your ability. I'm happy for you to make them on your own volition instead of feeling rushed though. I generally prefer image sets to doujins anyway. (But there's plenty of ideas that are perhaps better conveyed through a doujin, so I'm glad that you have this experience now and hopefully discovered that it's a viable option for you.) Anyway, awesome job. Excited for whatever comes next, no matter the medium. :)


yeah I like the idea of telling a story, so def I'll continue making more, maybe if I recover some of my time, like a while back, I may start making more pages per month, I do have a lot of stories I'd like to see in this format. Also I feel doing them at my own pace will actually let me learn in the process rather than just rush everything trying to meet some deadline and producing sloppy content. thanks dude I'm really glad you liked it anyway, I'm happy with it too, being my first attempt ever, I hope I get better with time.


Oooh, I quite like this. I'd be happy to see more, even if it's at a slower pace ^_^