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hey guys, I've been thinking about the points system, and was trying to come up with some way to kind of reward fans that support me continuously over the months. of course I thank every fan, even if you can support me for just a month ever it still means a lot to me that you decided to spend a few dollars in allowing me to continue drawing.

As you know already, fans get a few points per month, just by being fans, additional to the rewards I post, and they don't lose those points even if they leave for a few months to later come back and resubscribe, so those points are yours forever (as long as I continue drawing of course), and you can use them whenever you want, but this doesn't reward fans that never leave, so I came up with this new idea, starting this month:

Every month after pledges are processed, I'll give every fan currently supporting me 2 extra points if they're in the fan tier, and 3 extra points of they're uwu fans, if that is a consecutive month for them.

that means that if you subscribe as a fan even the 25th of a month or the last day (as long as there's a pledge for that month), pledging for fan for example, at that same moment you'd get your 3 points for that month just for being a fan, but if you stay till the next month, you'd get 5 points in total per month instead, for as long as you stay a fan. uwu fans would get 13 points a month in the same scenario.

There's one detail about these bonus points though, and it is that if you leave, meaning you aren't subscribed at the moment I am giving everyone their bonus points (because you're not in the processed pledges list), you will lose all your bonus points you've earned so far. normal points will still be there of course, those are yours forever, but this is a reward for continuity, so it wouldn't make sense for it to be permanent like normal points.

well, keep in mind guys this is all extra to the content I'm already putting out each month, and that I'll continue posting and even better and more often the more supporters I get, but I just wanted to reward loyalty a bit more cause I felt I was not aknowledging the few of you who've been always there supporting me. thank you so much guys for all your support, I'll continue drawing many more cuties thanks to you <3


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