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hey guys o/

just made this quick sketch so I didn't make a post with just text, but yea wanted to let you know what's been going on lately. Things have been kinda rough the last few months, lots of things happening, all at the same time for some reason, and as if that wasn't enough, I got in kind of an accident a while back, and hurt both my hands, pretty bad. at first it was so bad that I thought I may not even be able to draw again, with how much it hurt and how swollen it got.

I didn't wanna make a post about anything before knowing for sure if I was gonna be able to draw again or not, and well I'm really happy to announce that I am still able to draw, even tho it hurts pretty bad still.

I'm really sorry for not saying anything before, I just didn't wanna make you guys worry, and I'm so happy to now check and see so many of you are still here. I'll do my best to pick up the pace now, maybe a bit slow for some time while I recover, but definitely at least a couple posts a month.

My plan was to do lolitober this year, and even tho I'm still recovering, I could still make this sketch today, may not be top quality but it looks good enough imo, so I may still give that a try, at least a few days of the month depending on how good the prompts are. I'll probably stream those so feel free to stop by [here].

but yeah just wanted to say thanks to all of you that are still here, not just to those of you with active subs, but also to everyone following, it really means a lot!

and I hope you guys like this pic, I'll try to post some more stuff this week, and maybe even an animation later this month, I feel like not being able to draw for so long recharged my batteries in a way, really wanting to sit down and draw for a long while.

also [check this post here]

thanks for your support, byee o/

seems I can't add images here anymore, you can check them out on pixiv, or the site for the full versions o/




Fuck, sorry to hear that. But I'm glad that you are ok and recovering. Don't push yourself to draw if it mean slowing down your recovery. Although moving can also be good for healing mobility depending on the injury. You know your own situation the best. For a sketch, it's really good. Good job Crumbles and take care


Ohhhhhhhhhhh take care!!! god bless you!! I hope you get well soon!!!


Sorry to hear about your predicament. I'm very glad to see that you're on the road to recovery but please don't push yourself too hard. Your health and well being is more important. Stay strong.


oww... Sorry for hear that... Hope you get well and feel better soon!


Take it easy man, health is top priority. Great drawing.


Don't push yourself too hard, recovery is important. Very cute sketch, hope you're well soon


Oh man sorry to hear that🥲 Take all the time you need to recover that is more important then to rush things^^




Oh man, I wouldn't have imagined you had gotten hurt like that D= I'm real glad your hand is steadily healing! It'll be great to see your beautiful handiwork again


there's a link on the site, if you click that it'll send you to pixiv messages so you can paste your token