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I've been working on commissions for some time now, but took a small break in between and decided to work on this short animation, I really want to start making more animations again, and maybe even take animation commissions later on. Let me know what you think of this one, it's not much, and I'm super rusty at the moment, but I feel like I could improve soon if I keep making more. Also let me know if you would actually be interested in animation commissions or if you think I should just stick to illustrations coz they are a better value, but yeah I hope you like this one anyway.

[check the post here]

Thanks for all your support guys, have a happy new year, I hope your next year is full of success and happiness u3u/




i'd definitely love an animated commssion


Man, if this is the testing phase, we're in for a real treat this was great! Animated content, commisions, pictures, whatever you got the passion for is what I want to see, thanks!

Seedy Fuk

100% agree with Tup, keep up the great work. Happy Holidays Crumbles.


Lovely work as always!


Love the animation! Looks fabulous!!! And I totally don’t mind if you do commissions, I still got points I need to spend


Awesome animation as always from you, and Yaoyao is so cuuuute. Just wish there was a creampie!


really nice animation :) animation commissions would be nice^^


What a cute animation :)


Amazing animation!! How he prods her in the beginning is oh so mouth watering. your animations are top tier!!!!


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