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hey guys, first of all wanted to let you know that I got covid a couple weeks ago, I'm still dealing with some of the symptoms, it was really bad, but yeah I'm already past it I feel, it's just some mild issues now, because of that tho I coulnd't draw much at all during that time.

But yea the main point of this post is to let you know that since fanbox is applying some changes to their terms, I won't be able to post content here directly, tho as you already know, you can find the content on my site. I may not post much here from now on, and old posts will have to be set to private, but yeah everything will be on the site anyway like usual.

thanks for your support!




apparently, those changes only apply for real stuff, not drawing


Hey dude, sorry to hear about your COVID Symptom. Feel better, and focus on your well-being. Don't push yourself too much. Cheers. (sends a virtual head pat). - Kai


I don't know how to use your site.


Hope you feel better


Oh man, sorry that you went through that =( Glad to hear you're doing better though And sounds good! I take it we'll still get text updates here whenever new art comes along? Those email notifications are a handy way of knowing when new stuff has come along


i am glad you feeling better and I hope you will be fit again soon :)


Glad your feeling better, if you want a recipe for a super smoothie let me know.


Hello! Is there a way to find out the user tired to this account on the other site? It turns out I created one a while ago and can't remember what it was


I don't know if you heard the good news but it looks like at least your artwork will not be affected. It seems according to a recent Twitter post by Pixiv, they claim they will apply the new rules to AI generated artwork and hyperrealistic/photorealisitic stuff. So your artwork should be fine if this is the case then.