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Hey guys,

some of you may be aware of this, others probably not, specially those of you who've started supporting me more recently.

This next month it'll be a year since I started this fanbox account, and well with that I also started this points system, as an incentive for people to join. Initially I wanted to offer a bit more extra points as a reward for early supporters, giving back more than the pledged amount even, and well it's almost been a year since then, so now, starting November this year, I'll reduce the points rewarded by tier to the following:

fan: 1 point per month

uwu fan: 6 points per month

owo fan: 13 points per month

loli cunnysseur: 55 points per month

loli master: 80 points per month

bonus points will also be reduced to this:

no bonuses for normal fans

1 bonus point for uwu fans

2 bonus points for owo

5 bonus points for loli cunnysseur and up

of course your current points won't be affected by this change, but starting that date you should see a difference in how many points you get per month.

I know this is probably bad news for some of you, and I'm sorry, hopefully you still consider my works worth it, if not you know you're free to stop supporting me whenever, I'm still very thankful for your support.

thanks guys ttyl byee~


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