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Update #6πŸ“„ Hi fellas, βœŒοΈπŸ˜‰ Today is that time to notify you of changes that will be made in the coming months, a lot of them were suggestions from discord members in the suggestion channel, after having the weekend to think about it I decided that these changes really are needed, so please pay close attention as this will be very important from now on Request list - The list from today will be closed to new requests of any category, due to the large number of requests in waiting, the ideal now is to reduce and focus on producing these requests - Requests that have been placed by the time of posting this update will be added to the list - Those who haven't made any requests this month, you can make requests only for Nude Art, Gif and Mini-series until the end of December or until the limit is reached, when the limit is reached I will update this post Nude Arts maximum limit: 0/35 Maximum GIF Limit: 0/10 Maximum Mini-series Limit: 0/5 - The request list will reopen when I have made at least half of the list and it will have a maximum request limit - Every 2 months the list will be opened for new requests for Genin, Chunin and Jonin levels Points and Rewards - From January I will introduce a new scoring system for Genin, Chunin and Jonin levels, in which each level will be worth an amount of points for each month of subscription, these points can be accumulated and exchanged for requests when the list is open and along with the points system the rewards will change: Genin: Access the new nude art illustrations Access to Discord Earn 2 Points Chunin: With every new nude illustration published, the previous one will be moved to the Chunin level Access to all nude art illustrations Access to the Ninja Code for the book Icha Icha Paradise (Discord) Access to spoiler channels and waiting list (Follow the new ones illustration being made) Access the new sex art illustrations Earn 3 Points Jonin: Every new sex art illustration published will move the previous one to the Chunin level. Access to all nude and sex art illustrations Access to new Quick story event Access to the ninja code for the book Icha Icha Violence (Discord) Access to spoiler channels and waiting list (Follow the new illustration being made) Earn 4 Points Anbu: Every new Quick Story Event published, the previous one will be moved to the Anbu level. Access to all rewards from previous levels Make 2 Nude Art and Sex Art Requests or 1 Gif Request and Quick Story Event Access to Gif and future Quick Animation Event Ninja Code Access for the Icha Icha Tatics (Discord) book Akatsuki: For every new Quick Story Event published, the previous one will be moved to the Akatsuki Level Access to all rewards from previous levels Make 3 Requests of any category (Nude, sex, Quick Story Event, Gif and Quick Animation Event) Ninja Code Access for the Icha Icha Tatics (Discord) book Access to all publications -The points obtained in the first three levels can be exchanged for requests, this will be the value of each one: Nude Art: 2 points Sex Art: 3 points Quick Story Event: 5 points Gif: 6 points Quick Animation Event: 9 Points -Some terms will change their name Mini-serie -> Quick Story Event Animation -> Quick Animation Event Publications: -Posts continued every Friday but now I will do two massive posts per month, in the first week of the month I will post sketches and lineworks, in the second and third week I will post requests and in the last week of the month I will take a break , repeating this every month starting in January Tiers - The theme of the banners will be themed with characters from Boruto Discord - I will be providing the link to my Discord soon These will all be the changes that will take effect from January, just the list that will start today, I want to thank everyone who made suggestions for improvement and offered help and understanding through my toughest times, I know many were not happy with these changes but I hope you understand that they are necessary if I want to continue with my work and continue to produce new illustrations for you. This is all folks (For now)


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