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Hi everyone. It's been a while since we did one of these, but some recent events have happened that it's important you all know about.

If memory serves the last time we did this sort of post it was when both of our artists had lost their jobs. Now since then one of them has managed to wreaking a new job thanks to connections they had made the previous one, however the original one still is trying to make art their full-time gig. Unfortunately some recent family medical issues have complicated that.

An infection stemming from an old corrective surgery has caused his mother to mentally degrade resulting in confusion and memory loss. This is going to require one major surgery to fix the infection and possibly another depending on the state of her liver. Our artist is going to need help paying for medical bills and rent and transportation for the foreseeable future.

This has impacted the pace of the art over the last month or so, but the comic is still happening, we are making progress and there should be an update soon.

So what can you do to help? If you're currently subscribed we humbly ask that you continue to be so. The project is still ongoing and you will still receive the art you're paying for. If you're interested in making a one-time donation then we have a kofi:


Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us, we greatly appreciate it and hope you continue to be part of the community.


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