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日本語版お知らせ▶︎ https://www.fanbox.cc/@aimaitei/posts/5578358

Hello, my name is Umami Aimai-tei.

Thank you very much for your support and looking at my works.

I would like to inform you that the rewards will be changed from next month.

The article is long, but it is enough if you read only the first half of the announcement. The second half is the background and personal story.

What's going on?

Due to my previous health problems and a hernia in my neck that I recently suffered from, it is mentally and physically difficult for me to continue the current rewards that I have been doing continuously, so I am changing the rewards starting next month.

What will happen.

Monthly requests for supporters will end this month.

∙ After next month, we will post a new request box for supporters (with an irregular deadline)

 It will be one where supporters can post requests at any time. The call for requests will not end after one month, but will continue to some extent.

I will write from the requests I receive when I can draw, and publish them.

The monthly posting of limited edition drawings will no longer be guaranteed, and will probably be less than at present.

Summary of the future

March: Last of the monthly limited request box submissions (already submitted)

April - Last of regular submissions of 2 or more limited edition paintings, irregular request box submissions for supporters only

May - No commitment to post limited edition paintings, irregular updates

These are the changes.

Please consider supporting us from next month onward. Thank you in advance.

We apologize for the last-minute announcement.

Other Rewards

Other rewards, such as submission of sketch diffs, publication of past doujinshi, progress of doujinshi, etc., will remain as before.

We will let you know if there are any changes.

This is the main point of this announcement.

The following is the background and personal story. You don't have to read it, or you can read only what you want to read. It is long.



As I lightly mentioned on the support site and Twitter, I had been experiencing discomfort in my neck and shoulders since late February, making it difficult to work. At a recent medical examination, the doctor told me that I may have a hernia in my neck. (This is not confirmed as I have not yet had an MRI. Currently it is the doctor's judgment based on my symptoms.)

This still causes a lot of pain and aching symptoms in my shoulders, neck and arms. I also feel like I have a lot of trouble working because staying in the same position for long periods of time worsens the symptoms.

I have had many sudden physical problems from autonomic imbalance for a long time. I have thought several times that one day I might not be able to deliver the rewards for the support site by the due date, and if that was the case, I should stop making requests.

However, I enjoy reading requests and drawing manga very much, and I don't want to stop if I can help it, so I decided to stop.

I am currently in a state where I feel good some days, but some days I feel very bad, especially my neck, which seems to take a long time to heal completely, and I don't know when it will get worse.

I do a lot of research and drawing for the requests I receive on skeb (as many artists do), but since the requests for supporters are currently in the form of multi-page comics, I often had to gather more information in order to get a better grasp of the characters. This was a very enjoyable part of the project, but also physically demanding.

We felt that it would be difficult to continue to properly respond to supporter requests, which require more depth and effort, in terms of both physical and mental strength.

Therefore, I have decided that it is in the best interest of my recuperation to discontinue the request method that I have used up until now.

This announcement is the result of my consideration to make my activities better and longer. I apologize for the sudden worsening of my condition and the suddenness of this announcement.

Thank you very much for all the requests I have received so far. I was thrilled with all of the requests. If I had more power I would have painted as many as I could.

This month will be the last request for supporters in the past format, and I would be happy if you could throw in any subject you like. (I accidentally missed the posting date, so this article, which I intended to post first, came later. (Good or bad).

I also hope you will take advantage of the new supporter request box that will be posted in April (deadline uncertain).

The format will be the same as before, except for the deadline, and if I receive multiple requests from one person, I will activate the most recent one.

I will draw echi-chi manga from the requests I receive when I am in a good mood. (tentative).

I'll also talk about my future activities, thoughts, and other miscellaneous things.

I've already applied for Summer Comic and Futaket, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to publish a new book. Making a book is always an unknown road ahead.

I hope I will be able to continue to post on the support site as before, with the progress of my work, weekly summaries (or maybe monthly summaries), skeb, diffs, and so on. If there are no updates, please let me know. I hope to avoid hospitalization and surgery, but you never know. I'm actually going to have a second checkup soon for something that was caught in a physical exam. Hopefully nothing bad will come up...

I'm going to be a little slower in delivering sketches. I want to draw and I will be able to deliver the sketches, but even if I can't work on them for some reason, the system will refund the money, which is a kind of grace for me.

I have decided to quit the request box, which I had been considering for a long time, because the neck incident was quite fatal, but (as I have said many times before) I really enjoyed reading your monthly requests and giving them shape. I know there are some of you who once submitted a subject and no longer read the text here. I am insanely grateful to all of you.

There are so many works that I came in contact with and loved because of your requests. Once again, thank you and I had a lot of fun.

I am so sorry that my health has not been able to keep up with your support.

I hope I can get healthy soon and draw lots of pictures and comics to deliver to you. I shouldn't be in such a hurry to make my health worse, though. I often do.

My health is changing every day right now, so there is a possibility that it could get worse, or it could suddenly get better and I could be drawing a lot of requests and manuscripts. Only God knows.

For now, it is better to rest, so I hope to work slowly and as much as I can, even when I am feeling well.

I will think more about how to work in a way that is less taxing on my physical condition.

I would be happy if you could come to see my work whenever you feel like it and check to see if there are any new works.

I would be very happy if you could support me in any way you can. I was afraid to write the word "happy" directly, so I used a euphemism, but I wrote it after all. Thank you very much for your past and future support. I am very happy.

If I find out anything about the hernia in my neck that I'm now dealing with, I'll report it in the weekly summary or something. It's not a definite diagnosis of any kind. Maybe one day it will get better, or maybe it will get worse and I'll get an MRI of my neck... and I'll publish it on ...... or maybe it's something else entirely. Nothing but unknowns, man! I'm looking forward to it too (and thinking on the down side, I'll probably be very depressed).

But this is the one year I thought I could make it through the winter, and this is the case that I didn't make it through it strong enough. There is that. Damn!

In closing

Thank you so much for reading this far! It has been too long. I admitted too many thoughts. It's okay sometimes, isn't it? (Sometimes?)

I'm going to end the requests so far, but I'd like to use the energy and stamina to recover while doing some neck-friendly stretches, lurking on Twitter, skedging when I'm in a good mood, thinking up stories, drawing pictures and cartoons, and publishing them in various places. No, I don't want to stretch my neck ...... (I don't think people want to see me stretch my neck either) (I know, right?), but I think it would be better to get it out somewhere else.

For now, I'm going to rest first and try to get back to health as soon as possible and lose my daughter.

I hope to see you again in my daily life, in my works, or in some other way.

That's all for now.

See you soon.

Aimai-tei Umami



Thanks for letting us know and providing it in English. Physical health is the most important thing,so don't feel bad about changing the rewards. Do what you can when you can. Let us see what you're drawing when you can. In the worst scenario, you can think of the support sites as 'tip jars' and support for support's sake and focus on physical recovery.