Is the Gap between "classes" increasing instead of closing? (Pixiv Fanbox)
Hey! It 's time to let my thoughts drift a bit and write an essay about it. You who may or may not be reading this, please take this with a grain of salt, as this is more rambling instead of a really thoughtful analysis of society as a whole.
Well, you've heard the term "two-class society" before, have you? Having a society that completely seperates the rich from the poor. Most society suffer from that form of divide and I don't think it's a secret. But I've observed something different in the last years which I don't think was a big thing like 50 years ago.
Relationship between Creator and consumer
The one who creates and the one who consumes. A symbiotic relationship, one can't exist without the other. (As I am a creator too, here's the part where I thank everyone for enjoying my Art!)
But I'm sure everyone is a consumer, even in the same field they create. I too love looking at good Art and spending time just scrolling through amazing Illustrations.
But doesn't this relationship create kind of a gap? A gap that keeps increasing? (more on that later)
"Well, there are so much good artists already, why should I begin?" is a question I've heard a lot or "I'm progressing too slow, everyone else is so much better than me".
Seems like the more the "World of Artists" progresses, the more will people feel intimidated, creating a gap where there are "Winners" and "Losers", if you want to cold-heartedly call it that.
So that metaphorical "Throne" the Creators erect will seem even higher as the entry level increases. And don't get me started on the whole A.I. debate that even intimidates many amazing artists, let alone a beginner.
But let's dive a bit deeper into this whole topic.
Youtube "Broadcast Yourself"
I'm sure you remember that platform right? Or has it been completely pushed away by TikTok yet? (I'll be getting to you later...)
As I remember correctly, Youtube was maybe the only way back then to really reach an audience without having to be on the "Rich and accomplished" side of the society. Some Teenager could be getting Hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, rivaling even television without having to be an important person to society. It was a way to close the gap between the "rich" and "poor", even if only to draw attention back then. Later then, when you could also earn real money through that passion, that gap seemed to close even more. I've seen so many stories of a poor Kid with a poor family
completely turning their world upside-down and, seemingly over night becoming a superstar.
Today, those "Influencers" are everywhere and you can only wonder where they all come from so suddenly. And unfortunately, most of them shouldn't have gotten that "power" they have now. Have we gone too far in giving people the possibility of gaining a far reaching Voice without learning what responsibility comes with it?
It's a topic for a different time, for now let's focus on the problem at hand a bit more.
Creative Media
That last paragraph was more of a setup for this one. After talking about how that gap caused by a "two-class society" could shrink because of Platforms like Youtube, here's the new problem. The poor from a few years ago are now the rich, nothing has changed and we have a new problem. That Relationship between Creator and consumer I've talked about before. Taking Youtube for an example, why don't you too become a Youtuber? Fame? Attention? Money? Well, it's not that easy. And then there's the other problem. Like I've said before, Creators are mostly also consumers. Why make a Video when you could watch one? Or two? Wait, there's an entire playlist to watch! Different than this field of Artists where there is more of a skill gap, that form of creative media literally takes your time to consume it and if you look at Platforms like Twitch, you could "lose" 8 hours just watching a single Livestream.
Where's the time to create, when you have to consume?
Let's get meta, shall we? You reading this are "losing" time to create something. Scary, if you start actively counting your time like that. But it's not really "lost" time. Consuming creative media will actively improve your mental state, it makes you more balanced as a person and also slows you down, which is a great thing in this age of high-speed. But...does it really?
Not all media consumed slows you down and not all media will help you mentally. Let's talk about TikTok, a platform that always seems to evoke either strong emotions like love or hate, or leaves you completely unfazed. Either you have a strong opinion on it, or you literally don't care.
TikTok further evolves the phenomenon Youtube started. Closing that gap between "rich" and "poor", "Able" and "Unable" and does give every person the chance to get famous. And what's even better, it seems to get rid of that problem mentioned about "Creative Media". Unlike Youtube or Twitch you won't lose up to multiple hours watching a single video. So you could watch a few 1 minute videos and get to do something creative after that, right? RIGHT?
Sadly, that's rarely the case. The Platform doesn't want you leaving after only a few minutes and so do their creators. In many cases, it really doesn't make a time difference if you consume media on TikTok, Youtube or even the good ol' Television.
And what's even worse about TikTok is that this form of really short content really shortens the attention span. Either you'll be watching memes for Hours or you're watching some vids additionally to doing other stuff that doesn't need your full attention. This even more hinders the process to create something. Being someone who creates takes time, patience and dedication. Where should that come from, if you actively lose all of that by consuming? Especially by consuming on TikTok, the most popular platform in the world right now?
And now....back to the beginning....
Dividing the People that "Do" and "Don't"
Consuming seems to actively lower the chance of becoming a Creator. Doesn't this sound scary? But what's to consume, if no one creates anymore? Creative media already begins to get recycled through reaction videos, A.I. Art that literally creates Art based on existing Art among other things. In a few generations, will there be only recycled content? And even today, don't forget that most of those Creators are only driven by money, not the urge to create something. There is no problem doing stuff for money, something that literally is needed to survive, but I'm sure you've seen what some people will do just for a chance to gain fame.
Where is the limit? Is there really an ever embiggening gap between Creators and consumers or am I being too dramatic here? Am I even justified to talk about this?
I like to end those borderline dystopian topics on a high note. There's much more to talk about on this topic, but I'm afraid no one would read this if I overdo it. If you've read even this far, I thank you!
So, what's to expect? How do we improve this situation? Well, we don't. The situation will improve without us even noticing. Offer and Demand, simple as that. It may be that the next generation will suffer from a "draught" of artists because one generation's consumers couldn't become the creators anymore. But that generation will also correct that inbalance because the generation before has created so many more consumers that the need of creators will surely lead to new ones taking the stage.
Like I've mentioned in the beginning, it is a symbiotic relationship after all and while I've picked a negative aspect to talk about, regarding the whole picture, creative media
is nowhere near dying.
Well, thanks for reading, even though I've "stolen" your time. Remember this, at least you haven't lost as much time reading this as it took me writing it, hehe.
"もうこんなに良いアーティストがいるのに、どうして私が始めなければならないの?"とか、"私の進歩が遅すぎる、他の人は私よりずっと良いのに "とか、よく聞く質問です。
だから、クリエイターが座る "玉座 "は、入門レベルが上がれば上がるほど、高く見えるようになる。そして、A.I.の議論は、初心者はおろか、多くの素晴らしいアーティストさえも脅かすものです。
Youtube "ブロードキャスト・ユアセルフ"
私の記憶では、Youtubeは当時、社会の "お金持ち "や "偉い人 "にならなくても視聴者にリーチできる唯一の方法だったように思います。ティーンエイジャーが、社会的に重要な人物でなくても、テレビに匹敵する何十万、何百万というビューを得ることができたのです。当時は注目を集めるためだけでなく、「金持ち」と「貧乏人」の差を縮めるための方法だったのです。その後、その情熱で実際にお金を稼ぐこともできるようになると、その差はさらに縮まったように思います。私は、貧しい家庭の貧しい子供の物語をたくさん見てきました。
"やる人 "と "やらない人 "に分かれる。