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Well, I think that many of you MUST HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE NEW RULES OF CONDUCT FOR POSTS that will come into force from December here on Fanbox.

Unfortunately, a lot of my content (most of it actually) goes against these new rules.

This really made me very sad, I have been able to balance my financial life through earnings here on Fanbox

I really don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'm thinking about possibilities to maintain my production, but I haven't come to a conclusion yet.

If anyone has any suggestions feel free to say so.

Anyway, thank you to all the supporters.



burn it all down and start over? the sheer and utter hypocrisy of this truly cursed world sickens me. real people have no digital rights to privacy and property, but drawings have enough personhood to be in violation by just existing. every day THOUSANDS of real people are trafficked, but the crackdown comes onto drawings at the behest of all powerful money. there's money to be made chasing imaginary boogeymen, but zero profit in saving actual lives. serious suggestion time? honestly see above. pixiv was for all intents the last bastion of freedom of art. everywhere else has been starved out by the money mongers. i would make adjustments to your style, to conform to their standards. you'll lose fans and money, but the alternate would be losing all of them.


You could go to fantia but it is hard to buy stuff there. Nijie is the alternative to Pixiv. Not sure if it would be OK for you to host your stuff at exhentai or some other place but it would be free. Honestly I do not know. Hiccears?