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B: お前温泉初めてやっけ?はよ入ろか

A: あかん!勃ってもうた!ちょい待ってぇや

B: めっちゃ勃っとるやんけww 知らんの?ここそのままでもへーきやで!

A: うそやろ!怒られへん?

B: うそやないで!仁王立ちしてシコシコしてもええんよ

A: しゃーないなぁ…温泉でやろか




B: This is your first time coming to the onsen, right? Let's hurry up.

A: Wait a sec, I got a stiffy!

B: Wow, you really got a hard-on, lol Don't you know you can get inside even if you have a boner?

A: Really? Don't you get scolded?

B: No! You could stand fapping here if you like.

A: Well, I guess I'll do it then...

(Of course, he got scolded)

Thank you, はるるぅ-san, for the Kansai translation!





Cute boys! 😁❤️


Oh my god I like this one so much. I just wish that there can be a variant where A moves his left hand a bit to cover his cute cock a bit, and in doing so allow us readers to see the very lovely private part of B...


Would love it the one on the back was younger, hairless, and thirsting 😏


Oh My Gad!!! So sexyy! I hope to one day have this kind of sexy experience at an Onsen!!! :3