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Hello, Ägir is here ~ It's rare but I am proud of this piece. It looks simple because it doesn't have a BG but I think this is the best artwork I've done in a while, it's a nice feeling. I did something different with the lineart with this piece. I used a softer brush, the difference is very subtle so you can't really notice it without a clear compareason but it looks nicer in my opinion. I also erased most of the "inner" lines of her hair. If you notice, the only lineart left for her hair are the outer lines. I erased all the lines that are supposed to detail the hair flow. I did that to make her hair less "heavy". You might wonder why I wasted a lof of time inking lines that I was going to erase and the answer is very simple: to make the painting process of her hair easier. If I had used the sketch layer for her hair structure it would have been a pain. The clean lines were a much better guideline for that. So, I'd say about 40 minutes of lineart have been erased lol Enough talking ! I hope you'll like her -- There is 1 variant -- Thank you for your support ! ( ̄︶ ̄)



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