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Good morning, i hope all of you are have a great day.

First, i just wanna say big thanks to all my supporters and followers, for understanding my condition. and give me a support for this.

This is the first time I'm in this situation, losing my parents when I haven't had time to make him proud of me.

To be honest, I'm not close to my dad at all, because we've been apart since I was 12 years old. and after that i rarely see him because i'm staying with my mom.

I knew this day would come, and I've accepted all of this.

So yeah, we move on now. i dont wanna bring sad story here.

About the scene, i will start try again to making this from now, but you know this a little bit hard to be creative in this condition especially making porn.

But i must keep it professional because this is my job, and i love it.

So maybe i will start with random scene first, to get used to myself again. and about Ichika scene, it will continue, but maybe not finish on this month because i dont have a much time. I will rush the voting winner scene first.

and if that happens, the supporter this month you can ask me the scene if you planning not to sub again next month, i will send you the Ichika scene directly.

maybe that's it, and i'm sorry for all of this late.

if you have a question, you can send me a message. i will answer it.

Thank you and see you in the next post!



まず、私はちょうど私の状態を理解するために、すべての私の支持者と信者に大きな感謝を言いたいです。 そして、私にこれのためのサポートを与えます。


正直言って、私は12歳の頃から離れていたので、私は全く私の父に近いではありません。 そして、その後、私は私のお母さんと一緒にいるので、私はめったに彼を見ません。


だから、ええ、私たちは今に移動します。 私はここに悲しい話を持って来たくない。



だから多分私は再び自分自身に慣れるために、最初にランダムなシーンから始まります。 そして、いちかシーンについては、それが継続されますが、私は多くの時間を持っていないので、今月に終了しないかもしれません。 私は最初に投票の勝者のシーンを急いでいきます。



質問があれば、私にメッセージを送ることができます。 私はそれに答えます。





Sounds like a plan! Feel free to make whatever gets the creative juices flowing and gets you back into the groove!


Sounds good. Make sure that you are looking after yourself!