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You may ask, why this week update is taking so long, and the scene is not much.

Well, i'm sure i can talk this here or not. because is my family problem. But i have to tell you either.

Remember what i say that i have a IRL problem? that because my father is in the hospital. He's having a Heart Disease. so me and my sister have to take care of him because he's living alone. My father and my mother already divorced when i was a twelve years old.

So i had to take care of him in the night, and on the morning is my sister.

Honestly it's hard for me because the hospital is quite far from my home, and i had to manage my sleep and making a scene. But dont worry, i got this!

Thanks for listening my story, but i can't do anything besides apologies to all my supporter for this late update.



ここで話すことができるかどうかは確信しています。 私の家族の問題だからです。 しかし、私はどちらかを伝える必要があります。

私はIRLの問題を抱えていると言うことを覚えていますか? それは父が病院にいるからです。 彼は心臓病を患っています。 だから私と私の妹は彼が一人で住んでいるので、彼の世話をする必要があります。 私が12歳の時、父と母はすでに離婚していました。


病院は私の家からかなり離れているので、正直なところ、それは私のために難しいです,そして、私は私の睡眠を管理し、シーンを作る必要がありました. しかし、心配しないで、私はこれを得た!




Thanks for all your work. I hope your dad gets better soon!


hello no problem if you are absent first is the family first, this follower sends you a lot of strength and that your dad gets better. your work is great.


Thanks for the explanation and there's no need to apologize. Taking care of your family is really important, so it's fine if things take longer than usual. Hope your dad gets better and looking forward to the future!