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I dont know what's wrong,but i can't use my studio right now, i already finish the atago scene,but the time i want to add some effect, the studio is start crashing,i dont know why but i keep getting error message like that. the problem is when i load the scene,after a few minutes the RAM usage went to almost 100%! i'm using a 16GB RAM and i set it to 3200Mhz. the studio is fine while i'm working this morning,but i dont know what happen. (i already using an SSD) The Fps is getting low, and if load any scene, the error message keep coming. if anyone of you know how to fix it,comment or send me a message. i appereciate it. and i send you the detail. I'm sorry for this trouble, i'm working for the solution ASAP. ==============




Hi, before repontenciar my computer I had two 8 gb= 16gb corsair 3200 hz memory and never happened to me, as I see your memory usage is almost 78%, by any chance do you manage other applications while using the studio? What kind of graphics card do you have? And are you running the game so that it uses the graphics card?


i dont open any application while using the stuido,and it's work just fine before. when i load the scene that i made,that increase the RAM usage. My GPU is 1650super.and the gpu usage is normal when i look on the task manager


it's happen's only two hours ago, because i'm working on that scene in the morning,and no problem at all. now i'm trying re-installing some driver. my windows already up to date


UPDATE : after reinstalling some driver's and scan my PC,it came back normal. but still i couldn't load my last scene that i made, maybe because i add to many pose? there's 10 pose cam on that 1 scene. so i had to start over from the beginning. (see the last image the FPs came back to normal) but yeah i'm kinda tired, because i'm working on that since this morning and now i have to start over. and my mood is ruined because of that. but don't worry, i still finish it. i'm sorry for this problem.