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Hey guys,

TLDR: I will issue you a refund if your dissatisfied with the current project. read the last paragraph to learn how

To everyone who is urging me to "stretch" the early phase of the story,

I'm sorry but I won't be making any changes to the pace of the current story

On my own book, I am happy and content with the current pace, I think it's sufficient and reasonable enough to move the story forward no matter how "unrealistic" or "quick" it may seem be for some of you, another rational reason for this is, doing a stretch or rewrite, will push every single asset in the production queue in an open ended state ( a.k.a development hell ).

If you did enjoy Adelaide Inn and want to compare it's quality to the current project, that's okay I understand, but behind the curtain on the production of that project, it pushed me to a state of great mental stress and health issue.

I am honestly not asking for pity here or anything, I love doing every inch of this work and you are entitled to your own opinions about it. However, I'm just putting out the REALITY behind every project being made and to keep in mind that a reasonable percentage of the work is just done by a one man trash. a slight change on the scenes or any branch of the story would and might affect any existing illustrations and animations that I'm currently working on ( not even including the backgrounds and additional CGs needed if such change occured ). ( Imagine sculpting a big-ass statue then someone suddenly told you to change structure of the feet cause it too small or looks like potato toes )

If your first thought on this is:

"Why not just make comics instead you stupid dumbass trash?"

Now, you may not be here when I answered this question before, but once again.

I still struggle to create such medium, the comics I produce are toilet-wipe trash that I scrapped a lot of it compared to the amount of things I scrap when producing Interactive projects. I am more than happy to just create stuff and shit rather than to die trying to convince every single one of you.

Now with this shitty "drama" out of the way...

I will gladly REFUND you your pledge if your dissatisfied with the current state of the project and deem it to be unfappable/unjerkable or simply trash. just drop me a "refund" text over patreon or fanbox private message and I will issue it to you without any questions asked. also again I won't be making any change on the current pace.

Thank you and stay well



I personally think it’s great, you asked people to vote on time and it’s truly good.


Keep up the good work! You can't make everyone happy so don't stress


You did a great job Mr Ntrman! Please continue whatever you're doing! :) Thank you!!


Keep going.Plz


I really think that the mother's route was too fast, but from that to saying that it was rubbish, it is a terrible exaggeration and for me that is going over the line


あなたは仕事がとても早く、素晴らしいですが、体調には気をつけてください。 今後も楽しみにしてます!


you arent trash!,you are artist!!,dont know what kind people like to speak bad word to a hardworking artist ,you deserve reward,take my moeny and go on!!!!!!! i support three artists and they all make ntr ,you are the best !


I really liked this project that you did, it was seen that you worked hard to create it, you are an incredible and wonderful artist, and you are my favorite NTR artist, so this project of yours is not trash at all, it is incredible, excellent, and fantastic, rest as much as you want (because you deserve it for your effort) and I sincerely hope that you continue doing this type of projects, I love you bro!




I love your projects and I'm willing to wait for the next part of the story. The wait is always worth it imo


I love your work sensei. There are many people, including me, like your results. Cheer up!


For others to dictate an artists direction is something I see a lot with other artist, but I don't see from you. I can tell you and your team put lots of work into your VN's and they each stand on their own and improve with each one released. This volume is actually my favorite work from you so far. It has the best female protagonist design from my opinion. The characters are fleshed out and play their roles perfectly. The backgrounds are filled with detail and set the moods of the scenes. The animation is so well done and realistic while still sticking to your iconic design. Part1/2


And the voice acting work is extremely well done, props to the voice actor and good choice for making only the females have VA's. The best part is that all of this is only the first volume and still in the works. This is only my own opinion of your work, but please always stick to your own creative vision. I'm sad to see this masterpiece of a hentai VN be criticized so much, for an objectively great hentai visual novel. I hope people learn to not rush the development of the game and I hope you and your team continue to work on the project. I wish you all the best and thank you for this first volume, I hope to see more and I will continue my support. part 2/2


While I haven't played your latest project, I would say - Apart from typos and/or anything game-breaking, don't fix what you have already done, but do keep those thoughts in mind for when you work on your next projects. Also, I don't really see anyone but trolls calling you trash my dude, you're fine, don't belittle yourself because what you do is really a tremendous amount of work.


日本語で失礼します。私はNTRMANさんの作品が大好きです。このレベルのクオリティ作品をこの速さ、値段で楽しめることにとても感謝しています。 1つの作品においての個人の好みは人それぞれです。そういう感想もあったな程度でいいと思います。お身体に気を付け今後も作品を作り続けていくことを切に願います。


全ての相手が100%満足させることなんて不可能です。 皆趣味趣向が違うから当然です。 外圧に負けず己の信じる作品を作ってください。 私は何時でも次の更新を楽しみに待っています。


I happy with everything that u do .. so don't stop .. i love your art so much


It doesn't matter that the game you made is the most interesting game I've played so far, so these little problems are not worth mentioning. Seasons of loss is very interesting and the plot is not bad. I hope to launch the v1.0 version as soon as possible. After the release, I will sponsor and download this official version as soon as possible. version of the seasons of loss.


This game has four parts. These four parts can't be too long, unless you want to wait any longer, and there are probably some who don't want to wait any longer. If you know how to make games, you know you have to say stop at some point, or you'll never finish the project [Cyberpunk 2077]. Did the story go too fast? I do not think so. She was lonely and with a maternal instinct, and the bully just knew how to take advantage of it. Only for me the ending was too much. I just know the feeling when you can't trust my own mother. The game is great, I'm curious about the next parts. I wish you health, do not stress so much, it's not worth it.


Keep up the good work, NTRMan! Support you always




Keep up man! Don't need to change yourself for anyone. Your work still phenomenal. Take a break and come back stronger. THANKS YOU!!!


i think that most of the people that follow you loves the work that you do, besides there it always be toxic people that doesnt understand anything about work, because they havent put effort to anything in their lives, so just dont take this people seriously and thats it my dude .. keep up the good work, NTRman and thanks for spending your time to make those amazing games.


謝謝你的作品 加油~~ 會期待完整版 但也請顧好身體健康才能持續創作喔!!!!




You cant please eveyone if people dont like current project then just get refund instead of bashing its creator i think game is ok its not even compete yet it might be as good as Adelaide Inn when its completed who knows. I think all hate these days are because of pandemic or because american politcs , wokeness and twitter. People should take chill pill and relax.


Nope, i like your new project that just release. It’s even better than all of your previous game. Please keep on going for the extend story.❤️❤️❤️




To me, you are a genius telling stories. Please continue to cheer up


I think it’s just a matter of preference. Take care of yourself.


you are the best


no man, i very like your project, and i will wait to your new project. thanks man




Remember that, ur not a businessman whos worrying about selling products, but an artist creating fantastic arts.


Thank you very much for making Chinese. No matter how long the follow-up will take, I will always wait for it. Finally, I wish you good health


all good But please, please add Korean as well.


i love your works ,just be yourself。


I'll give you 6/10 for this game。It's acceptable, but there's room for progress. Take care of yourself. You can do better next time.


I have enjoyed what I played so far and will continue to support. The story is super intense so I have tapped out a couple times because seeing the main character go through it is tough. Then again, it's good to see NTRman push the envelope because I didn't sign up for NTRman's fanbox for vanilla content or good endings. Can't wait for the remaining seasons as I am now interested in seeing how the POV character responds. As always I love seeing the changes the women go through especially in their minds. Rest up and get healthy One Man Trash, you are a hero to the netorare community


Man your work is pretty good don’t put yourself down like that, some people probably weren’t fond of it since as you’ve said before the tone this time around is heavier and it was. I really enjoyed Seasons of Loss from your superb artwork, to the voice acting to the story, I’m eagerly awaiting for the remaining parts. But remember that if you feel stressed you should take a break, your mental and physical health should come first after all. Best regards man, thanks for the game and I hope you take care of yourself.


谢谢你的创作,非常喜欢你的作品 同时记住要多注意休息。 Best regards


Bro continue android version, I didn't like NTR at first but because of you I was able to enjoy it, please continue for the Android version even though many people like the Android version. I'm just confused now where else to play your game, I just can't afford to buy a PC, especially now that the internet cafe in my city doesn't exist anymore, I beg you, please continue for the android version, if it doesn't continue, I'll just keep waiting until the version for android is continued ,or at least leave the development for the android version to someone, I'm really confused now and then it will be,After all this is your game project so yeah it's up to you


It is good everything, keep it.




The only thing I can say is that your work is excellent. I'm rooting for you from Japan, my friend.