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Please refer to the article at the beginning of each month for the latest public folder.





It is with great sadness that, for various reasons, I have decided to change the way I publish my videos.

Until now, once you became a supporting member, you were able to view all past videos, but from now on, you will only be able to view two months' worth of videos, including the current month.

I apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause to our members, but I hope you understand that it is not my intention and that it is unavoidable.

The following is a summary of the videos at this time. These links can be viewed until the end of this month, except for the one for 2023/01.










준서 김

I can't see your video...


Sorry for the lack of clarity. This month's video release is here. Currently, only the last two months are available for the ¥500 plan. https://meat.fanbox.cc/posts/5226900


So does that mean in order to see the past video, we have to follow the ¥1000 plan?