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I had just finished this picture set I had been wanting to finish for almost a year, it is now done and is here. :D I hope you like it.

And for those who are waiting for massive implants or breast implants in general, soon I will be making some for you, don't worry. :)

Thank you so much for supporting me.






1. It all began in an incubation chamber of an imperial reproduction lab. The most secure location in the empire, housed over 100,000 incubating wombs from deceased soldiers.



2. They were monitored and stimulated and delivered with essential nutrients provided by the automated lung and heart, despite the imperial advanced biotech, they weren’t capable of fully synthetic reproduction without a womb, so they needed wombs to grow fetuses.


3. When the womb gets strong enough and doesn’t get infected or degraded, they would be transferred to permanent incubating tanks, with enough room to fully grow their offspring.

The top and middle rows were for the largest and most capable womb. While the lowest 3 were made for inferior womb. They were selected for their respective capabilities of maximum size of delivery, the top one could produce over 10 months equivalent size of fetus in just 5 months, it was the reason they put more emphasis on obtaining more wombs and sent out soldiers to sure-death missions, to quickly extract the wombs for more accelerated empire expansion.



4. The agent was extracted and ready to be sent to the special district containing only lab-grown humans; they would all be raised in a highly controlled environment that made sure they became fearless soldiers with extreme loyalty.



5. Fast forward 22 years later, she had grown into a strong loyal student in an imperial college. She didn’t care much about building relationships but occasional one-night-stand funs. The time they were living in had no risk of any STD, after hundreds years of selective genetic sterilization by the imperial overlord had resulted in low mortality population and highly sex active society.


6. She was number one of the college on graduation, she had a life-long dream of becoming an imperial assassin, she had learnt the secret that her mother was also one of them and she was killed in action. She wanted to avenge her never-met parent and had taken intense study and succeeded.


7. Her status in the imperial assassin academy on her graduation day after 4 years of intense physical and mental training. With the highest overall grades and a mastery of cock sucking, she had taken extra care to keep her virginity for the first day on the job, she wanted to impress her superior for the most prestigious position and ranks, in hope of learning more secrets in the elite circle of the empire.




8. Giving stress relief service to the commander and her colleague in the break room.

It was just her first day in this unit and she wanted to impress her superiors.



9. Even though she was qualified and got selected from hundreds of people, she knew she still needed to maintain her connections and gain commanders' approval by sex and other services to gain rank fast.


10. With her skillful blowjob, foot job, handjob and vaginal sucking control, she was able to milk all the men of almost all their contained semen. The commander didn't even move an inch when she was moving very little while using her vaginal and womb in fucking the commander like an auto-masturbator, it went up and down, twisting, crushing and kissing and sucking, she had a rare genetic that gave her this level of control of her semen bag. Also her tongue techniques had milked all the semen out into her stomach, giving her extra nutrients for the mission.


11. The superhuman strength jet of semen shot through her cervix into her uterus, her intense clamping force squeezed more of them in, gulping in with exact timing of prostate semen pumping. Her foot also stimulated the testicle so much it shuddered.

コマンダーの超人的な精液の噴射が、彼女の子宮頸部から子宮へと射出された。 彼女の強烈な締め付けの力は、司令官の前立腺の精液のポンピングの正確なタイミングに合わせて、さらにそれらを絞り込み、飲み込んだ。彼女の足も睾丸を震えるほど刺激した。

12. The penis still in her mouth was throbbing and shoved more cum into her stomach, the superhuman’s semen was very nutritious and provided her a bit of boost of her energy.


13. She sucked more of it and played with the fresh load on her tongue, its taste was so good for her that she kept sucking and rolling it around.


14. Right when they had intense orgasm and were about to go back to more actual training, they got alerted to dispatch to a nearby rebel attack, they didn't have much time, so without getting cleaned up, they just geared up and went out with sticky semen all over them.


15. Part of her gears contained breast milk collectors as standard equipment for her, even though she was in a big hurry, she needed to wear it or risk getting demoted for wasting her milk. Even though she was a virgin and never had ever gotten pregnant, she was lactating a lot from her constant breast stimulation and her genetics. Collected milk would be sent to the central nursery, where future troopers and Imperial's public service boys and girls are raised,

the more she can produce, the more credit she gets for various benefits.

Apart from milk, she also gets a huge amount of credits for pregnancy and offspring delivery, this is why most Imperial forces are constantly pregnant in various stages in a unit.






16. She was very afraid to go up to the enemy on her first encounter, so she sneaked up the stairs and tried to look over the top of the stairs toward a smoke-filled street. Leftover semen still in her mouth as she didn't

wanted to swallow it and kept rolling it around since leaving base due to its incredible taste, it was at that moment that she tried to swallow and she got careless on her positioning, exposing her head to the enemies’ line of sight.

初対面で敵の前に出るのはとても怖かったので、こっそり階段を上がり、階段の上から煙の充満した通りのほうを見ようとした。 精液を飲み込むのが嫌で、口の中で転がし続けた。


17. It was the end of her, a bullet pierced her forehead and destroyed her brain when she was swallowing semen. Her consciousness ended with the taste of the most delicious cum and some bullets whizzing by. She was highly stimulated and lactating into bottles before her tragic death.


18. She fell and dropped her gun in a lewd handjob pose while having intense orgasm, her brain switched to a bit of a moment before that she was sucking cock, giving handjobs and footjob, and receiving load into her virgin womb.


19. Her highly fertile body was more than ready to conceive during that day but her life was cut short by a bullet.

Her mashed up brain lost all its function and the hormones that signal ovulation were released in jet into her system,

Just a few seconds after getting shot, she ovulated, popping out her precious egg into her fallopian tube.




20. After the enemy had left and other assassins and soldiers had cleared the area, her body was collected and identified.


21.It had been a while and her commander's sperm had reached the end of her fallopian tube, her egg was fertilized.

Her breast milk was still coming out, so the crew left it there for it to continue collecting precious liquid.



22.Special body bags were used to transport imperial agents.


23. Her breast got a bit in the way, the crew squeezed her breasts a bit to close it up.


24.When it was closed, a special tamper proof seal was looped around her body bag, ready for transport to the nearest imperial corpse processing facility.


25. Her body had reached the center.


26. Despite being dead for half an hour, her body was still a bit warm and pink, her genetics had made her cells incredibly resilient and sustained a life-like look, which would last up to 2-3 hours.


27. Opened up.

28. Her portable milking machine had shut-off, the bottle was full of nutritious milk that would be delivered to the nursery for a random child, never feeding her first offspring.



29. Her milk ducts and mammary glands were empty.


30. Taken off the suit, without bra support, her 100% natural big breasts flopped to the side.


31. The staff slid her suit to the side at her crotch, frothy leftover semen mixed with her fluids gushed out.


32. Taken more of her clothes off, they will be reused by a new recruit as it was in perfect condition.


33.She was completely naked, the staff took closer look at her crotch, ready to examine the fluid volume


34. They stick a collection syringe in.

35.The volume of semen still inside was 324ml, it was a big load from one male.

中に残っていた精液の量は324ml 一人の男性から大量のザーメンが

36. Collecting more semen from her mouth.

37. The semen would be processed and separated from saliva and other fluids, to keep sperms for future use.


38. She was cleaned up and disinfected, ready for the next procedure.


39.Precise incisions were made, to collect her whole reproductive system for the lab.


40. They took great care not to damage her womb and ovaries, the uterus was slowly pulled out and the blood vessels and ligaments were carefully severed.



41. Her womb was carefully marked and ready to be sent to the lab, the barcode tattoo she got before entering the academy was used to identify and not lose track of the precious womb. Her body would be soon sent to a corpse storage facility, where her other parts will be harvested for other uses.


42. Her womb was placed in the same position as the one that she was born in.


43. Soon another soldier for the future will be born, slightly stronger and hornier. The endless cycles of hundreds years of genetic enhancement will continue.



This is a work of fiction made for entertainment and study purposes only. We never condone acts of violence or harm in the real world.




Tempted Sinner

Born inside a laboratory. Never knew her parents. Sacrificed her childhood for her carrier where she was made into an obedient pawn. Died (at 24) on her first ("sure death") mission. Didn't even get a proper burial (logical, since there wasn't anyone who even knew of her existence). And everything of her got repurposed. Even in death she serves the Empire. And the cycle continues. Man, what a fkd up world you thought up. Very detailed. That's what makes it so good. It takes a lot of skill to create a fictional story / world that can truly affect someone emotionally. And I'm not just talking about this little story of a single soldier, but your complete lore as a whole. I can't hope for a "happy ending" in this world, but I do wish to see at least a slither of "good" in it. Even if I AM fascinated with this type of content. I thank you for your hard work!


Well, that was a bit tragic, I mean would be a bit better if she at least managed to get a kill but not even that, she wasn't able to revenge her mother 😞, anyways, she was hot, would be nice if you give her an alternative end like you did with those medic and heavy trooper from that short animation, nice work as always