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Bed time story for you guys. :D Big big thanks to PusKiller2, it's really fun reading this writer stuffs.

Link is below


The Empire: Assaulting the Resistance (Extreme Genital Mutilation, Gore, Violence, War)

https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=12998370 [account is gone. :(]

by PusKiller2


This war was hell, and it had been raging for years. It had brought the concept of a scorched earth to a reality as the surface of the planet was decimated by nuclear fallout. The only beacon of hope remaining was The Empire, and their grand city that stood with its sectors united by totalitarian rule, and massive army of young women. Rebellions of the outside heathen populations tried to continuously topple The Empire or take its resources. It was the front line combat women who went out and quelled the rebels, or struck out to take back the scarce resources.

Inside The Empire's city though was a different world filled with local resistance groups looking to gut The Empire from inside. Well armed, tactically savvy, and filled with experience it took a different breed of woman to take on these rebels. The veterans of the front line work, that made their way up the ranks, made their way into the inner city combat squads.

Today was special for the inner city squads, it was the day that the resistance's headquarters had been discovered in the torn slums of the resistance's supporters territory.

“Dark! Dark! Dark!” Arc called out in the loud clattering of the metal death trap labeled as an Armored Personal Carrier. Cruising at full speed along the torn city streets, the six tires on the armored vehicle tried their best to use their suspension to smooth out the jarring terrain but these vehicles had seen too many battles, been retrofitted to many times, and the shocks of hard tires on pavement was almost augmented as each rock sent a shudder through the two squads of women inside.

The two yellow luminescent strips of lighting that ran the length of the ceiling of the carrier, that had been on the whole time, flipped off. The scene before then had been a cheery commotion of twenty six young women exchanging war stories, and trying to psych each other for the battle forth coming. But as the dark command was given, and the lights went out, all conversation ceased. The APC was in three sections, each housing eight seats – four facing the other four along the sides of the interior – for a grand total of twenty four women strapped in.

This was two squads of women, twelve each, facing each other with clenched fists, stone cold eyes, and gritted teeth. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as the only light were the flashes of the gun fire that had started in the distance, only visible through the small windows afforded to the driver and her co-pilot at the front.

Arc was the leader of Epsilon Squad. Across from her sat the squadron leader of Fox Squad. The two sister squads had been riding in this APC for almost a year, but the members had changed regularly. Arc and two more members of Epsilon were the only ones left of the original Epsilon Squad. The rest of the positions had been cycled through at least twice each.

Fox Squad had been through worse and Arc didn't even know the name of the woman sitting across from her. She was assigned today, and she would probably die today as well. The woman had long blonde hair and fidgeted nervously. She knew the odds were not in her favor as well, being the newly promoted meant either her predecessor died, or her skills were better. Judging by the nervous inflection on the blonde woman's face, Arc knew it was the former. Tough luck kid.

Arc turned to look at her squad. Although the ranks had cycled everyone here looked familiar. Nobody had died in the last two runs, a true miracle in this hell hole of a life. The squadron was a typical make up – three Riflewomen, a Heavy Machine Gunner, her Support, then a spattering of specialists: Anti-tank, Grenadier, Engineer and Medic. The last individual was the Ammo Runner, whose skills consisted of being able to run fast, and having a streak of luck.

The ammo runner named Elytra gently gripped Arc's hand. The warmth of the gentle touch prodded Arc's heart and she gripped Elytra's hand back with an appreciative nod. People usually said that relationships should be avoided to stop the pain from tearing you to shreds when your lover died, but Arc had fucked Elytra's brains out two hours ago, and she knew that Elytra was going to be covering her side until she died, or Elytra did. That kind of commitment was worth more than personal pain – it would probably be the difference between life and death.

Most of the girls on her squad had relationships of some sort. They had all been together for three battles at least, but for women in the heat of battle day after day, that was fucking merit for a life long relationship right there.

The bonds of love only burned hotter in the furnace of battle, and these women would die for each other. Any day. Any time. That's what kept you alive.

“HOT!” the driver yelled out above her, and the APC viciously rocked as evasive maneuvers started. Each woman grabbed their seat straps that covered their shoulders, but left room for their large double D breasts. Almost all of them had large breasts, with the only exceptions being Echo – the Engineer, and Gem, the Medic. As outrageous as it sounded, breast augmentation was actually required for inner city combat. Their breasts were filled with bullet proof implants that would, at the very least make their corpse a viable shield for their squad mates as bullets tore through the air, and at best stop a bullet from entering their chest.“EXIT IN FIVE!” the pilot yelled, and everyone yelled out as the brakes were applied harshly throwing everyone to the side.

“FOUR!” the acceleration stopped and the turret guns overhead blared out in a deafening thunder, the interior lit up as explosions glared through the small ports for the pilots to see out of.

“THREE!” the securing harnesses popped open.

“TWO!” the squad grabbed their weapons and all of them stood.

“ONE!” they all turned towards the back of the vehicle.

“ENGAG-- RPG!” the pilot screamed out as something shattered the windows and everyone covered their faces as an explosion engulfed the pilot areas, instantly killing the pilot and co-pilot, the flames engulfed the blonde haired squad leader and her ammo runner next to her, both who went flying into the squad, screaming as their bodies were torn from the explosive impact. The flames continued down the carrier's side and started torching the poor helpless members of Fox Squad. Arc turned and yelled “POP IT!” and as she said the words she saw the last in line Gem, the Medic, already pulling the emergency door controls.

A mini-explosion went off and the back of the APC ripped open and Fox Squad's screaming young women spilled out of the APC only to be met by a hail of gunfire. The first girl out shrieked as her breasts were blown off, her pussy splattered, and her leg flew out from under her by a few feet landing in a bloody mess to the side. The second girl's butt was torn off and she pissed her self as more bullets tore her torso in half and her intestines and uterus erupted out into the streets. The third girl tried to run for cover but a grenade went off between her legs, blasting her legs off and leaving her screaming on the ground as pieces of her genitals were scattered. Bullets pelted her arms as she reached out for help.

The fourth girl picked up the third's body and smartly used her companion's flailing, screaming, torso as a shield as she got to cover. The next three women followed close, and the rest of their squad was a charred mess inside the APC.

Epsilon Squad, on the other hand, was already in motion as well, not running directly out the back, but quickly ducking behind the APC to use it as cover. Gem quickly tucked around the door and opened fire on the resistance soldiers giving more cover to what was left of Fox Squad.

Gem's beautiful silver hair glistened as it was held up in a high pony tail, her glasses glinting as she pelted short sprays of bullets at each indvidual target she could identify leaving an opening for her squad.

Jinn, the Heavy Machine Gunner ducked down with her brownish-red hair held back with a light blue bandana and ran past her to near Fox Squad. She set up her machine gun on a chest high wall. Directly behind her looking the other direction with weapon drawn was her support – Ashe. Ashe dark grey hair swished swiftly back and forth as she ran her weapon along the scenery to their right, covering all the nooks and crannies of the hovel housing district, trying to identify any potential source of threat. Satisfied that no one was pointing a weapon at the back of her lover, she turned around and pulled out her binoculars as Jinn started firing large suppressing volleys of bullets at several resistance solders stationed at several market stands and alley way corners.

“CALL 'EM!” Arc yelled out of the APC as the rest of Epsilon squad shuffled behind the bullet proof carrier.

“SEVEN! MG-TWO, R-FIVE!” Ashe yelled back with her binoculars meaning two machine gun emplacements and five riflemen.

“MGs suppressed!” Jinn yelled noting that the fighters manning the Mgs had fled instead of ducking down and attempting to hold their ground. This was just the welcoming party, eh?

Arc's dark skin glistened in the hot sun beaming down into the slum's markets, and she confidently walked out of the APC, gently readjusting her glasses, and pointed out with her magnum pistol side arm, and shot two resistance female soldiers down.

“Hannah, Sash, Feo, flush 'em out!” she yelled and quickly three young women ran past her with automatic rifles in tow. The three riflewomen picked their targets, and the first up – Hannah raised her hand. Jinn stopped firing and the three quickly invaded the alley ways and stalls, a hail of gunfire was heard and women soldiers screamed out as their lives were quickly ended.

The three riflewomen popped back out blood lightly splattered on them. Hannah stood with a smile with her long dark brown hair, pale skin, and large blue eyes. Next to her was Sash with her short black hair, almost orange eyes, and brown skin. To her side was Feo, a fierce expression on her in her short blonde hair, creamy skin and grey eyes. They stood straight at attention and Arc nodded to them dismissing them to circle the perimeter.

“Threat count?” Arc asked as she pointed out for the rest of Epsilon squad to gather the supplies from the APC. Ashe saluted and stepped up.

“About six went missing, judging by the complex ahead of us, I'd say we have about two minutes before a force comes with reinforcements. I have seen no movement on the roof tops, but the windows are bustling, expect sniper fire within the next sixty seconds.” Ashe said quickly.

Arc nodded and took up her communicator.

“Battering Ram has succeeded, Fox Squad is down to four, send medics. Flood Gates are open, I repeat, Flood Gates are open.” she reported and soon the sound of more APC's echoed through the alley way they had come down. “Lens! Counter sniping, now!” she called out as she looked to a young woman with dark brown hair, creamy skin and dark gray eyes who was already set up at a small box in the back, another larger box covering most of her body.

Shots rang out from her sniper rifle and glass shattered across from them.

“COVER!” Arc yelled as a hail of gunfire started to pelt them from the buildings.

“MG-THREE, R-EIGHT!” Ashe called out, as Jinn opened fire with the heavy machine gun.

Before they could get off too many shots, two more Armored Personal Carriers careened into the markets area and covered their front, making a shield.

“Epsilon! Go!” Arc yelled and the girls all yelled out and streamed out between the two new APCs which were opening and four more squads of young women came streaming out to fight back against the building's rain of gunfire.

Epsilon squad had already kicked down the door and they entered the main complex. Their mission was to completely exterminate the rebel threat. Sash and Feo ran vanguard as Hannah held up the rear.

“Echo!” Arc yelled and a young woman with ear protection ran past her. She held a quick visor up to her yellow eyes and stared through it.

“Lasers!” she called out, and quickly pulled a can from her belt and sprayed a fine mist out, and a series of small red lasers revealed themselves. She pulled out a small device from her utility belt, and quickly pointed it at each of the laser's origin points and rapidly, one by one, the lasers turned off.

“Sig! Clear it!” Arc yelled and a girl with white hair up in a pony tail ran forward, throwing a small grenade down the hall way.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” she yelled, and a large explosion filled the end of the hall way with the shrieks of women.

Two women bursted out of the smoke, but Feo release several bullets into one's crotch, making the soilder scream out as her maidenhood was splattered on the wall behind her, and Sash ran forward kicking the other woman between her legs, and she punched a hole through the woman's breast, into her chest and pulled out her beating heart.

Echo spat on the corpses of the women. “No augments? No protection you filth.” she commented as she kicked them.

There were yells of more women upstairs as a series of grenades rained down from the stairwell.

“SHIT!” Echo yelled and put up an energy shield, but several grenades went off at once and all three women were blown back into the rest of the squad who caught them effortlessly.

“Echo! Echo!” Gem yelled grabbing the soot covered woman's face, fear plastered on her own.

“I'm okay! I'm okay, just got knocked around.” Echo yelled with a smile and kissed Gem.

“Everyone okay?” Arc asked. Affirmative nods came from all members of the squad. The explosions of more grenades rocked the upstairs as the squads upstairs started to unleash the full power of the APC turrets upon the rebels.

They saw several women stream by and into a back room yelling “Down! Down! Down!”

“Underground?” Ashe said to herself and pulled out her visor again. “Arc, confirmed! There's a series of tunnels to a facility below us.”

Arc nodded and tapped Jinn on the shoulder.

“Clear the way for us beautiful.” she said slapping Jinn on the ass. Jinn just smiled as Ashe gave their captain a sour look. Arc just playfully stuck her tongue out at Ashe.

The tripod for the machine gun was set up and Jinn release hell on earth down the hall way, obliterating any woman trying to get to the basement. It tore through the walls, and ripped into several bodies, cutting them in half in fountains of blood.

More explosions rocked the upstairs and the creaking of the infrastructure hurried them along.

“Time to get going!” Arc yelled and pulled out her communicator. “Resistance base is underground, repeat, underground – Epsilon is engaging now.”

The whole squad ran forward and down some concrete steps into the tunnels below. Their combat suits lit up with lights as they descended and soon the thundering sounds of battle faded. The darkness took over but soon was dashed away as the underground tunnel lighting took over. Pure white lights lined the top of the tunnels all the way down.

Echo went first with her shield up, Hannah and Feo at either side of her with rifles drawn.

“Why is no one here?” Echo asked as they moved farther into the complex without seeing a soul – just empty tunnel after empty tunnel.

“It's a trap.” Hannah whispered.

“Yeah. And we're here to break it.” Arc said as they continued cautiously.

The tunnels opened into a large arena type area that was completely empty. Several other tunnels connected to the large space.

“Skirt around the sides.” Arc hissed out, and the whole squad took to the walls. “Don't go to the middle, its a kill zone.”

As they got to the next tunnel they turned the corner and saw about two dozen women standing there with guns.

“KILL THEM ALL!” Arc yelled, and the whole squad opened fire mowing down the women. Limbs, breasts, and heads went flying, they screamed as they fell, but as they did their allies rushed up behind them using their friends bodies as shields and they fired back.

Echo screamed out as bullets shattered her shield and tore through her torso. Her beautiful breasts exploded in a spray of blood and Gem screamed out as she caught Echo's flailing body and pulled her out of the tunnel.

“ECHO! ECHO!” she screamed holding Echo's bloody head. Echo just whimpered out and went limp.

“Behind us!” Hannah yelled and gun fire started coming from the other direction.

Slowly they were forced to the middle as Gem took up Echo's energy shield and re-established it. Jinn laid down a spray of machine gun fire behind them to push themselves back but they found themselves in the center of the arena and surrounded as more women filed in.

“You bitches.” Gem cried out.

“Eat their ovaries!” a large bulky woman in the resistance's crown roared and all the women charged forward with rifles and bayonets trained. Epsilon squad opened fire, hundreds of women screamed and fell but the numbers were too great.

Hannah fell first, as a woman shoved her bayonet into Hannah's crotch. The riflewoman screamed as she fell backwards and the crazed resistance fighter raped poor Hannah with the bayonet until the bayonet struck Hannah's vaginal mine which exploded killing her assaulter. Hannah screeched holding her bleeding pussy.

Gem came over and tried to tend to her but another resistance fighter flung herself onto the medic stuck her rifled right between Gem's legs and fired. Gem's vaginal mine exploded and as she fell back the woman blew open Gem's breasts as well.

“They have cunt mines! Shoot them in their fucking cunts!” the resistance woman that shot Gem yelled.

Jinn turned her machine gun towards the resistance woman ripping her in half, pussy first. Ashe stood back to back with Jinn and yelled out as they continued to unload countless searing bullets into bodies, but they kept coming.

Tanya the Anti-Tank specialist let loose rockets into the crowds sending body parts flying in all directions, but a grenade came down between her legs. Tanya shrieked as it went off blowing her up into the air before she fell on Ashe. Immediately two resistance soldiers were on her sinking their serrated hunting knives into her poor vagina. They reached into her and pulled out her vaginal mine and continued to rape her with the knives. Jinn screamed out in terror as she watched her lover getting murdered and unloaded a torrent of gunfire evaporating their heads.

She instantly dropped her machine gun and held Ashe in her arms, crying.

“It hurts! It hurts! Oh god! Jinn! Jinn! I love you!” Ashe cried out, a river of blood flowing from her love canal.

“I love you too Ashe! I-- AHHHH!” Jinn screamed as a woman rammed into her with a spear to her breast. Another woman came at her with an axe, and sent it up between Jinn's legs. The head of the axe cut her pelvis in half and Jinn cried out as her mine exploded, swelling her belly and exploding her pelvis in a rain of blood. The soldier hollered in victory and brought the axe down on Jinn's gory crotch over and over and ripped out her destroyed uterus to show the crowd.

There was a burst of cheers and soon the whole squadron was overrun.

All the women were forced on to the ground and their clothes stripped off. Without any hesitation or warning they proceeded to cut their pussies open, rip out their vaginal mines, and rape all of them with any bladed instrument they could find.

Feo screamed out as her pussy was raped by a bayonet, and just as she thought it was over her assaulter pulled the trigger and blew her pelvis to pieces leaving her a quivering bloody mess.

Sig, the Grenaider had her mine armed, shoved back into her pussy, and she screamed out begging “NO! Please! Not like this! NOT LIKE--” and the explosion destroyed her vagina leaving her shrieking in pain.

Lens' sniper rifle was taken from her and she was raped with its barrel. She cried out in pain as they shoved the barrel into her over and over, punctuing her precious cervix, and crushing her uterus. They continued ramming the steel barrel into her until she had run out of breath and bled out.

Another woman took a drill and took it to Sash's pussy. Using the largest drill bit she could she shredded Sash's vagina and then took it to her breasts, making sure to rip the implants out of her breasts for future use in their army.

Arc held Elytra close and they embraced naked. They kissed passionately and fingered each other hurriedly to orgasm knowing the ending was coming. As they sprayed their pussy juices on each other, the women were raped with large hunting knives. They cried out each other's names one last time as they their uterus and ovaries were ripped from their bodies.

The twelve bloody, genital mutilated bodies of the Epsilon Squad were piled into the center of the arena to lure in the next squad to the kill zone. Hundreds lost their lives to these elite women, but as long as they could eventually defeat the best of the best, the resistance ran strong, and they would continue to inflict the most painful deaths they could to the fighters of The Empire.




I cant read the novel?