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The last feel months have been shit for me making less and less money overall, going days and and sometimes weeks without a single donation, i've now reached the point that i'm making %50 less than six months ago, everyday i'm more stressed and demotivated, i'm now at the point that i sit in front of my computer start making an animation and i ask myself "is it even worth trying if i'm not going anywwhere?" and i came to the conclusion that no, it will never be worth working as a animator with the random content i provide, not even when i focused on bestiality which was the absolute peak on donations and i was not happy, overworking ( carpal tunnel ftw ) and still making less than the minimum wage is a joke and i'm not laughing ( some people must be lol ). For my mental health and for my well being in general i've decided to stop making animations, if i'm gonna swim and know i'm gonna die n on the beach might as well just drown now, this is not a bitch post, this is me giving up on my dreams. But for one last attempt at making money ( keyword is money ) i will provide nude characters for blender ( Cycles only ) like i've done in the past for Source Filmmaker, this is will be under a new tier that i will come with the appropriate value to compensate for my time, if this becomes being unworthwhile then i will cease posting anything on Pixiv anymore and then finally i will 'close doors' so this is kind of a last grasp at things. To everyone who stuck with me these three years, all i have to say is Thank you very, very much and i only hope you and your loved ones the best :) ----- Read only if interested in Blender characters ----- I will be posting Blender characters, they will all the same body shape, but overtime i will add shape keys to these characters, like pregnancy, overweight, huge breasts, breast implants, muscle and others, they are basically the same characters i've been using for the last six months, the average file size for each character is 150mb~ I will take requests for characters, they should come in the xps, obj, fbx or mdl format and come with all appropriate textures for me to port then, i may or may not port clothing, they will come with a basic rigify rig and two default shape keys for the jaw ( open ) and eyes ( close ), they will all share the same teeth The first character should be posted tomorrow more or less at this time. Note: Imagine an Pixiv that allowed it's creators to share how much they make like...every other donation site? that would be cool! https://files.catbox.moe/70asfe.png



That's too bad that things aren't going well. I hope whatever you do next goes well for you. Part of my problem is I'm in the US, and Pixiv Fanbox sort of sucks for US people.


such a shame to hear that dude. i wish you the best of luck in all your endeavours.


I'm sorry to hear man. Thank you for all the content you've provided over the years. Wishing you well for your future and hope you use this time to find peace for yourself! <3


Sorry to hear that i wish i could help more


Wishing you all the best mate. Huge respect for this difficult decision on your dreams, really hope it comes together for you at some point. Your content and content output were some of the best in the field. I think artists this year have really felt the brunt of what is more or less a global recession, with people spending less it definitely gets more pronounced in areas like this who rely on it :(. Again, good luck!!!


hello sorry to hear about your issues. any chance of taking some edit requests of existing animations? (I can switch to higher fanbox tier for payment)