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Let me start saying that I absolutely didn't want things to turn this way, I've been working as an amateur animator here on Pixiv for the past three years, my very first post was posted at "May 9, 2019 5:28 AM" which is not accurate because I've received a strike (multiple) from Pixiv to censor my content, the original date was February. Over these three years I've learned a lot about my craft, started using source filmmaker as a complete beginner in animation, entirely self-taught, consuming tutorials and searching forums for answers, prior to that I was playing games like your average depressed introvert not giving a flying fuck about life, I came a long way, but still my work is what is, nowhere near the levels of professionals, I've improved that's for sure, but there's that 'thing' that I can't quite explain is lacking on my work, people have suggested longer animations, but this is where things don't work as people believe they should, I've once said to a supporter 'more effort does not equal more money' and oh boy I wish I was wrong, I post every day (almost) wake up early and work my ass off, and still after these three years I'm still making less than the minimum wage, I did think of throwing the towel plenty of times, but in the end I keep working the other day(why tho!), this 'routine' over the years did hurt my already not so stable mental estate, then you factor in trolls who only wish you the worse, people who never met you wanting your bad, this is the major reason I disabled my comments, don't take me wrong I'm a douchebag by nature, but I've never in my life here on Pixiv went on another artist artwork to trash it, why? Well I know what takes to create art independently of how 'good' it looks, if you mock another's person work you are directly mocking that person, at least that's how I see things, not everyone is like me and share the same feeling that respect is something important, this boils down to 'criticism' too, if someone does not say they want it, then why you assume they seek it? Don't try and imprint your feelings into me and I will not do the same to you. I've reached my peak on April, and I already can see that I can't go beyond that aka my limit, I was with a total of 186 followers back then, as of now I stand with 142, with the current Yen situation (it's fubar right now) I've lost more than 25% of my income, like every normal human being I've my little dreams, wanted to purchase the new RTX 4090 to eventually provide 4K animations, already did the math and two 3090s are not enough for that (18 seconds per frame does not allow one animation per day), considering I've already paid three months of 'salary' for my 3090 I'm not willing to invest four months worth of cash on a 4090 when I'm 'losing' everything, only stand to lose when you can afford to. I'm not rich, this is NOT my hobby, last month I've made 180,630 JPY and in April I've made 204,840 JPY as of now I'm standing with only 145,134 JPY, this means that I need to get over 100 donations of 550 JPY to 'recover' my money, and there are only 18 days left to close the month, so yeah, acetaminophen is not miraculous, and she can do only so much for you. Yet people want me to post less with longer animations, this simple means loss of money, like many animators I can't afford to go a month on 'vacation' (never heard of her) and get back to my work and see my income unchanged, I can't afford to spend days on Twitter posting 'WIP' of my work while not delivering anything or worse yet canceling 'projects' and still collecting the same paycheck in the end of the month, I just can't afford, I'm not a top dog and I never did pretend I'm Within all that said I will from now on post R-18G content every other day, and due to Pixiv tag limitation (six only) I will approach tagging differently, making sure to specify everything, so people can understand the content before clicking on the link, I want to provide a better experience for anyone who supports me (and have been doing so for more than a year), this is an attempt to increase my income making content for a specific fan base but not giving huge spaces without posting said content, R-18G is a good way to learn texturing, which is something I'm currently looking into, I'm using Substance Painter 3D to learn and texture limbs, put tattoos, paintings and body writing, I love learning new a software and R-18G gives you that opportunity due to how many possibilities are there, I will try to alternate my work as much as possible, making sure they are different one from another, this includes bringing non-pregnant or pregnant females back in the menu, this opens a vast selection of poses to pick from. Thank you for sticking with me and hopefully things will get better for us! My income for transparency https://files.catbox.moe/zdfl7d.png



Hey man appreciate you speaking out like this as it's very brave and not too many artists talk as transparently as this. As a longtime supporter, I'm very used to your approach to posting content, so I'm glad you're not giving in or feel the need to start changing it when it already works. I wish I could explain the changes in your donations per month, as all your content has been the same platter ever since your SFM days. In any case, even though you may not think you are top dog I will still consider you one of the most based 3D creators on this site and beyond. I wish the best of luck to you and please remember to take care of yourself when needed!


At least for me, even if you only posted exclusive content once or twice a month I would remain subscribed. I understand that's not a mainstream opinion. Nobody should do a job they are not passionate and happy about, you should not overwork yourself. Thank you, sincerely, for what you create. Being an artist is difficult and I am sorry it is this way.


let's keep things short! I love your work! i will stay with you all the time until i can't afford it anymore! don't ive up you can make it and you will make it!


As a professional musician, I struggled with that "professional" feeling for the longest time. Imitation, experimentation and going outside of my comfort zone were all things that helped me achieve this feeling. There's also spending more time on each project and constantly refining but that's not exactly helpful advice for your situation. I mean, not that you even asked for advice but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.


no prob


Hey man just wanted to comment for some support. To me you're by far the best at what you do and are absolutely professional about it. You put out more content than any other I've seen and at a super high standard with very unique ideas. You deserve so much more support and I think slowing down how much you put out is absolutely deserved and could potentially enable you to do other stuff with the time it free's up like part-time work or just free time to enjoy yourself . You definitely don't need to make animations any longer, they loop perfectly so they can just keep repeating. Thanks for everything so far!!


Break my heart reading this. I've followed for a long time, never wished you ill, an never would. I just stopped checking out the content as much as I used to due to all the futa stuff you've done. It's one of my least favorite things and you've done so much that I kind of turned my back on all this. I hate saying that as I feel like you have a great style an your creativity is amazing but, I just cannot get behind FUTA content and it pushed me away but regardless, I certainly hope everything gets better. You've been consistent over the years, an it's always polished work. I hope things look up for you.


I'll be honest, I didn't understand what is changing. I have followed you recently and was actually impressed how often you post content. Surprised! If how often you posts changes, I'll still be here. I hope things get better for you.


i've only recently found your stuff so i will continue to support how i can.