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I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded for a while recently.

Recently, I started to feel a little pain in my back.

The pain was not serious, but I was examined at the hospital just in case.

Fortunately, there was no big problem with my back. But the doctor warned me about sitting and working for a long time.

So I started exercising properly for my health.

I suddenly started exercising, so my body needed time to adjust, which prevented me from maintaining my working pace until recently.

That's why the task upload was delayed.

I'm sorry that I couldn't stay healthy and the upload of the work was delayed.

I will try to upload a new work within this week.

Thank you.




No problem dude, take your time and take care of your self, remember your health more important.


Take care. Health always comes first.


Take your time , the important thing is that you are fine


Health comes first homie, take your time , recuperate, and enjoy yourself!


i wish you good health and happiness.take it slow〜.


As someone with serious back pain I can feel you. If you haven't already: Take a look at motorized desk so you can work sitting or standing it will do wonder for your back. Stay safe and thanks for your work.


Omg i really hipe that's her getting dp'd


No need to apologize, your health always comes first! I hope you make a swift recovery!