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I'm really sorry, sponsors. I'm sorry for making this excuse. Recently, my family has something to manage. It was the job of managing my grandparents' graveyard. Until now, relatives other than my family have managed the graves of their grandparents. However, due to circumstances with the relatives, the cemetery could no longer be managed. So my family decided to take charge of the cemetery and manage it. So in the last two weeks I've been to my father's hometown to take over how to manage it. Thank you so much for reading my excuse. And I apologize to all the sponsors who waited for the work and worried about me.



No worries dood, family comes first we understand. We are just glade your doing ok.


thats nothing for us to worry, stuff like that takes priority and hope things turn out well managing it.


You are very family-minded! wonderful!


Don't worry take care of yourself and your family, you're a good person!


You are forgiven. I like your art too much to be angry with you. (I'm still hoping to see the wolf lady with a four legged friend)