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どうもアイアンカーです! 今回はキャラ投票で第3位に輝いた、閃乱カグラの雪泉ちゃんを描きました!٩(๑òωó๑)۶ 敵の忍に捕らえられ、苗床にされてしまった雪泉ちゃん。 気持ちよさそうにタマゴを産卵していますが、そこにさらに大きな触手がやってきます(*´∀`*) 極太触手に犯されながら卵から孵った触手にも乳首を責められ、さらには股から出産した子供にも・・・!? 今回もボコ腹、膨乳、ニプルファック、中だし、ボテ腹、出産などが差分に含まれます! また、目隠しバージョンも収録してありますので、そちらもお楽しみいただければ幸いです(*´∀`*) いいねの数で今後のイラストの方向性を判断しますので、 今回の内容が好き!という方はいいね押していっていただけると助かります! 次回も近日中に公開予定です! それではまた次回!٩(๑òωó๑)۶ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, this is Aianchor! This time I drew Yumi-chan from Senran Kagura, who won the third place in the character poll! This time, I drew Yumi-chan, who was captured by enemy shinobi and turned into a nursery. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm so excited about this one. While being raped by the thick tentacles, her nipples are also blamed by the tentacles that hatched from her eggs, and even by the child she gave birth to from her crotch...! This time, too, the differences include a bumpy belly, swollen breasts, nipple fuck, Creampie, botched belly, and childbirth! There is also a blindfolded version included, so I hope you enjoy that one as well (*sigh*). I'll be judging the direction of future illustrations based on the number of likes I get. If you like this one, please like it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. The next one will be released soon! I'll see you next time! ٩(๑òωó๑)۶ Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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